two good website in arabic about converted people !


New Member
assalam aleikoum my brothers and sisters !

here is a new good arabic website concerning islamic audios and videos : converted videos , islamic lessons's videos ,miracles , coran recitation (video / audios ), islamic tv and radios ...and much more:

the website's design is machaallah! soon it will be the best islamic broadcasting videos in the net !

the responsables of the website consider it as the first " islamic Youtube " , it is an ambitious and great islamic action for "daawa" in the web.

the webmaster needs your help to run and improve the website , they need aid to buy a server and a name for the website !

let's help them , even with good words , and at least spread the website through all islamic forums in the web! it is worth it !

how to give help ? see the home page of the website!

may allah accept our good works. ameen


New Member
salam aleikoum

sorry , in fact the title must be " a good website in arabic about converted people !" .

i apologize for that mistake !
