unapproved message in the Social Group ?


Staff member

If you could - would you mind elaborating? I don't know if we quite understand the nature of the problem.



Staff member

There is a Social group "Arabic Leaners" that I created.

Whenever someone send a Message to the Group(A new thread or a reply o the existing post), it needs to be approved by me because I'm the maintainer of this particular Group.

It seems there is new Message Posted by someone.
How did I know that some has posted a message?

Because it shows in my account Your Notifications: 1

When I click on the above Link Your Notifications: 1 , it says "Unapproved Group Messages 1"

When I click on lnik "Unapproved Group Messages 1", It takes me to "Arabic Learners" Social group page.

But, I'm not able to view the Message which has been posted by someone, which is still unapproved.
I'm able to see other approved Messages and threads.

I also tried clicking Messages: 5 Link. But, It shows only 4 approved discussions!
I also tried clicking Moderation: 1 Link. But, It doesnot shows any Message:(

Members: 18 Discussions: 4
Pictures: 0 Messages: 5
Pending Members: 0 Moderation: 1



Staff member

Oh okay... I see inshaAllaah. Although I myself don't manage a public group - I do approve members into the Sister's Club, so thereby I would recommend you try going through the User CP. See if there's any new / different options there under "Networking" Or if you now have a "Moderation" toolbar.

If so, then that should get you access to the group information inshaAllaah... However if that is not the case, then my apologies I don't really know of any other way I can help, but hopefully one of the other brothers who do run a Social User Group will be able to come up with a solution.



Staff member
wa 'alaykum salam wa rahmatullah

wa iyyak... I hope a solution will be found shortly, or some other way to fix it.



Staff member
:salam2: Sister,

Finally I was able to see the message! :)

Accidentally I clicked on one of the threads and it had the "unapproved" post.
