Urdu translation of the Quran


New Member
Asalaam Aluakum,

My DH told me that his parents would never let him read from a Urdu Quran (his native tongue), but only the Arabic one. Not a problem if you understand Arabic. DH does not and he thinks recitations of words he does not understand is appropriate and the same thing. So now I am on the hunt for a free urdu quran so my DH can understand the beauty of what I have a hard time explaining to him. I think urdu will be more appropriate for him.
So where can I get a copy?:tti_sister:


to Allah we belong
yes, Quran should be read in arabic as it was revealed.

but ppl who cant understand arabic, must read its translation (of course translated by a trustworthy scholar) in their own language to know wht Allah is speaking to us.

without knowing the meaning of Quran, how can we follow its commands and have more taqwa of Allah?

if ur frnd sends u letter in chinese language, will u not translate it in ur own language to know wht he says?


Junior Member

Brothers and sisters, please take care of your language. I wouldn't use the word 'Urdu Quran'. It is Urdu translation of Quran. Some people are even more careful and would always speak about 'approximate Urdu translation of Quran'.



New Member

Thank you for the correction. I didnt know that.:shymuslima1:


Brothers and sisters, please take care of your language. I wouldn't use the word 'Urdu Quran'. It is Urdu translation of Quran. Some people are even more careful and would always speak about 'approximate Urdu translation of Quran'.



New Member

My Dear ,
Quran should be read in arabic Only as it was revealed.

but who cant understand arabic, must read Also its translation (of course translated by a trustworthy scholar) in their own language to know wht Allah is speaking to us.

without knowing the meaning of Quran, how can we follow its commands and have more taqwa of Allah?
I give you example Follow this !
if ur friend sends you letter in German language, will you not translate it in ur own language to know wht he says?
Reaf also its translation to understand the Holay Quran !:wasalam: