Urgent help needed


Junior Member

Visiting this site often, i have seen du'aa work wonders.

Now i need your help.
Of late, my career has been in a complete mess, in a downward spiral.

I am confident that i will make amends, but i probably can't without the prayers of my brothers and sisters.

Even if you don't have time to reply, just make du'aa while reading my post.

Make du'aa for your brother, or else i am a dead duck....quack,quack!!

May ALLAH (subhana wa ta'ala) reward you with Jannah. Ameen.


Junior Member
رَبَّنَا آتِنَامِنْ لَدُنْكَ رَحْمَةً وَ هَيِّءْلَناَمِنْ امْرِناَرَشَداً

(“Rabbenâ âtinâ min ledunke rahmeten ve heyyi’ lenâ min emrinâ raşeden.” )

"Our Lord! Have mercy on us and make things easy for us, and lead us to success"

This dua is for success you can recite it. you can also perform tahacud prayers regularly and ask Allah to help you. I will remember you in my dua too. Inshallah Allah will give you success in your career and also will give you success in ackira. Inshaallah Allah will improve your situation and make things easy for you. amin.

note: it is not translated word by word but I think from the contentwise it fits. maybe if there is someone speaking arabic he can correct me