Using appropriate language


Art is my Expression

The other thing what I want to say is that we must abolish English as a language of religious knowledge

There is nothing wrong with English. English is an universal language. Its just as important to learn English than learning Arabic both for religious and non-religious reasons. It's a way to communicate and learning other language raises your intelligence for cultural grammer and appreciation for diffrent languaes world-wide as well.

I'm currently trying to learn Arabic through Rosetta Stone, and I realize the importance of learning Arabic for Islamic purposes but, that doesn't mean we should abolish English along side it. They can co-exist.



Art is my Expression
I am talking about religious aspects. Faisal its better for you first learn Arabic language than give opinion, and there is much wrong with English.
يا اخى انت لا تعرف ماذا تقول, فقط رجل خمير يستطيع ان يقول قولك.

So was I. How can an English speaking born person learn Arabic without having it translated into English first? How can they even understand the Quaran if they have no clue what the Arabic states? It's one thing to read the Quaran, but its a whole diffrent thing to actually understand it fluently. I'm not against your opinion about the importance about learning Arabic, I was simply pointing out that English shouldn't be abolished as you said. They can co-exist.

I don't really see whats really wrong with the English language as you calim to be there are. You really haven't given us a proof with the accusation. Where as I, in the defense of the language, stated the benefits of learning English and other languages along side it. If you can give some logical prrof as to why English really is a "harmfull" language as you imply, then I'm willing to take your opinion into perspective.



Art is my Expression
Just i will give you some real facts;
-first thing is that Arabic is danger, spoeken and writen Arabic have nothing in common anymore,
-There is no wisdom in English absoulutely, Hebrew is overtakeing Arabic in the Midle East belive you or not
The best thing to make Arabic strong is to abolish its rivals, many times when my friends talk to me in Arabic i cant understand them, they use lot of English words because they do not know those meanings in Arabic or worst they dont understand when i talk to them in classical Arabic. We must keep Arabic alive, otherwise we will pay big price. Read this article:

The Arab linguistic crisis

Arab students face greater linguistic challenges than Jews but enjoy fewer funds

I read what you had to say, and they aren't logical reasons, just opinionated responses.

Below I'll break it down more:

-first thing is that Arabic is danger, spoeken and writen Arabic have nothing in common anymore

Ans- Arabic isn't in danger. It's not a species of animals thats growing extinict, and even if it was growing extinct, it's not the fault of other languages. It's the people that speak the language whom are supposed to keep a language alive, because language is not an object, its a way of communicating. Man created it, Man can end it. Do you mean to tell me that there aren't sophisticated Arabs out there who can speak both English and Arabic fluently with perfect grammar?

-There is no wisdom in English absoulutely, Hebrew is overtakeing Arabic in the Midle East belive you or not

Ans- Says who? You don't get great wisdom from learning a language, it's how you speak it that shows your wisdom. There are Muslims who are English speaking born that are Scholars and Philosophers, just as there are Muslims who are English speaking born that are dumb as a donkey. Same goes for people who speak Arabic and infact any language. It's not the language, its the people.

The best thing to make Arabic strong is to abolish its rivals, many times when my friends talk to me in Arabic i cant understand them, they use lot of English words because they do not know those meanings in Arabic or worst they dont understand when i talk to them in classical Arabic. We must keep Arabic alive, otherwise we will pay big price.

-The best thing to make Arabic strong is not to hate on other languages. If your friend talk to you in Arabic and you can't undestand them, then thats their personal problem. Perhaps they need to go back to school. You can clearly see in that example that you just gave me that it's a people problem. It's the lack of knowledge, not the knowledge.

I read your article. They have problems like that in U.S also where kids aren't learning enough English. It's a problem that can happen anywhere not just in certain countries.

I gotta tell you, this whole issue isn't really about the language it's self, it's the lack of education thats causing all of these problems. People juist tend to look for "escape goats" I guess.



Art is my Expression
Simply this is not nothing what you have said,
Title of this Article is اللغة العربية في خطر what means Arabic Language in danger, published by Magazine Al Sharw al Awsat in summer this year,brother forgive but i am stupid why i am duscussing with you in English as i told you first learn Arabic than we can discuss, sorry brother you are talking rubish as you will know if you understand this article written by Shaykhعائض القرني Aeed Al Qarni
اللغة العربية أكثر لغات الأرض مفردات وتراكيب، وهي لغة العلم والفن والعقل والروح والصوت والصورة، ولكنها اليوم في خطر أمام مد التغريب الزاحف والعاميّة الجارفة، فكثير من العرب يفخر بغير لغته حتى صار من الموضة عند كثير منهم الرطانة بالإنجليزية والتباهي بترداد مفرداتها، ومن سافر من العرب إلى الغرب عاد يرطن بعدة كلمات ليوهم الناس أنه عاد بثقافة الغرب وحضارته وكأنه الدكتور أحمد زويل أو البروفسور زغلول النجار، بينما تجده كان ماسحاً للسيارات في شوارع لندن أو نادل مطعم في تكساس. والعربية مهدّدة بلغات العمالة الوافدة إلى بلاد العرب، وبالخصوص الخليج العربي، فالأرض تتكلم أوردو أو بشتو ولغة التاميل، حتى صارت المربيات يلقنّ أطفالنا لغاتهم على حساب لغتنا فضعفت لغتنا، أمام هذا السيل الطاغي من اللغة الوافدة، وتهدد العربية أيضاً باللهجة العامية فأكثر الأشعار الآن باللغة المحلية وهي لغة بلدية محليّة دارجة سوقية وتعقد لشعرائها مسابقات وجوائز ثمينة، بينما شعراء العربية أكلتهم الوحدة والإهمال والتجاهل، وزاد الطين بلَّة قيام وزارات التربية والتعليم في الدول العربية بتدريس العلوم والرياضيات باللغة الإنجليزية أو الفرنسية وأصل هذه العلوم كان بالعربية في عهد الفارابي وابن سيناء وابن النفيس وجابر بن حيان، فضعف فهم الطالب لهذه العلوم ونسي لغته العربية الأم. واليوم أصبح من الواجب على كل عربي غيور أن يهب لحماية لغته من الفناء وينقذها من الموت، كل في حقله وتخصصه، فأهل التربية والتعليم والمفكرون والمثقفون والأدباء ورجال الإعلام هم المسؤولون عن العربية أمام الله ثم الأمة والتاريخ، وكما قال أبو منصور الثعالبي: من أحب الله أحب رسوله ( ومن أحب رسوله أحب القرآن ومن أحب القرآن أحب العربية؛ لأن القرآن نزل بها ومن الشرف العظيم والمجد المنيف لهذه الأمة أن كتابها عربي ونبيّها عربي، ولكن المتسوّلين على أبواب الأجنبي والمتطفلين على موائد الغير يرفضون هذا الشرف ويفرّون من هذا المجد، والحل أن تتبنى الحكومات العربية ميثاق شرف حماية العربية وأن تلتزم بالعربية لغة رسمية في كل شؤونها كما فعلت كل أمم الأرض، ويُعلَّم الجيل لغته الأم، ويُوقف في وجه كل دعوة للتغريب والتشويه والعامية، لنحافظ على هويتنا كعرب اختارنا الله للرسالة الخاتمة والدين العظيم والملة السمحة.

Brother it's o.k I'm not going to keep arguing, this conversation between you and I isn't really going anywhere. At the end of the day, you are entitiled to your own opinion just as I am to mine.

Take Care




Brothers, brothers, brothers....the topic was about using appropriate language. You have taken it to the nth degree.
Lingusitically speaking it appears that Arabic is a perfect language. There is no other language that has the nuances of Arabic. Secondly, it is the language of the Quran.
English is a hodge-podge of languages. It works for us. It is simple tool for daily communication.
Arabic is the superior of languages so as Muslims we have no choice but to attain mastery over it.
Now, lets find another topic. Eid Mubarak.


striving 4 Firadous

Brothers, brothers, brothers....the topic was about using appropriate language. You have taken it to the nth degree.
Lingusitically speaking it appears that Arabic is a perfect language. There is no other language that has the nuances of Arabic. Secondly, it is the language of the Quran.
English is a hodge-podge of languages. It works for us. It is simple tool for daily communication.
Arabic is the superior of languages so as Muslims we have no choice but to attain mastery over it.
Now, lets find another topic. Eid Mubarak.

I second this opinion, as humans we love to debate but lets find something ........How do you say" more important to debate about"