Vice "Industry" in UK!

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a lonely traveller

some of them arent after this dunya as such, they are just surviving, because people like us (the ummah) who are meant to help the poor and needy, muslim and non muslim are not doing our job properly!!


Agreed sister!!! but a Muslim with strong Eeman would never do anything henious which would leave him (or her) in such a state that to survive he (or she) adopts anything regardless of whether ISLAM allows it or not. Survival is important. But surviving for the sake of dunya is unacceptable. I have reports where its mentioned that Iraqi Muslim Women are turning into Prostitution in Jordan, Syria , where they have come as refugees. The ones who used their body worshipping Allah Subhanahu wa Taala are now selling it for survival.

We need to check and recheck our duty and commitments towards helping the Ummah. What we did yesterday, what have we done today and what are we going to do tomorrow?

We need to finish today's job today instead of keeping it for tomorrow.

Rest is upto Allah Subhanahu wa Taala.

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