Videos of new muslims


Junior Member
How do I get my own video of becoming muslim and explain to everyone I am muslim for me not for my husband and how its changed me for better?



Assalamu alaikum sister!

I am sure there are people here who have a good knowledge of video production so I will leave that to others.

However, I would like to turn your attention to a couple of points regarding this.

1- Discuss this with your husband first so that you are both in agreement on this so that it doesn't cause any inconvenience in your relationship.

2- When you submit your video to a public forum, it can and will be watched by thousands of people which will put you in the spotlight. TTI videos are also searchable via google and youtube. So, make sure you are ready for this.

3- If you change your mind about making your video, you could always write your story and submit it in a written form as many brothers and sisters have done.

I have to admit that videos are certainly more effective and more people prefer watching videos than reading stories/books. I think videos deliver a stronger message than writings.
Inshallah, it will help non-muslims see the truth.