

Junior Member
Are Muslims not allowed to vote for man made laws and man made political parties and man made governments the reason Im asking this question is because here in the U.S. we have two political parties the Democrats and the Republicans I see no difference between the two they both support Zionism and the oppression of Muslims they even support the oppression of non Muslims they are both run by Rich/Wealthy Lobbyists. I used to vote Democrat than I voted Republican I voted Democrat because the Democrats claim be for the Poor when in fact I voted Democrat because of Class Warfare the Democrats support higher taxes on the Rich or Progressive Taxes Im sure in the UK they have the same issue with the Labour Party the Liberal Democrats and the Conservative Party ?

Voting for man-made laws by Anjem Choudary

A short clip by Sheikh Anjem Choudary, regarding the current Elections which is taking place.He says as Muslim's it is not allowed as submitters to Allah(swt) to place a vote for a man to make laws for another man. Rather the only one who makes laws is Allah(swt) because he is the "Al-Hakm al-Adle" " The Divine Just Ruler" and giving that Name & Attribute to man is associating partners to Allah(Shirk).

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Junior Member
Anjem Choudary is an extremist Takfiri and Head of Hizb Ul Tahrir in UK. There is also evidence that he is supported by the Kuffar in the Media to Make Islam and Muslims as Supproters of Terrorism.

You Should Stay away from these Shaytaan and their works. They are upon Extreme Takfeeri Beliefs.

