Warplanes bomb Syrian bakery


Junior Member
Scores of people standing in line for bread were killed when Syrian warplanes bombed a bakery in the western village of Halfaya, opposition activists said Sunday.

More than 90 people were killed, the opposition Local Coordination Committees of Syria said. The death toll could rise, the activist group said.

Videos posted on social media purported to show the aftermath of the attack. Many bodies had limbs apparently blown off and others lay bloody in the streets and in rubble strewn over a sidewalk. Uniformed Free Syrian Army soldiers and civilians scramble to pull survivors out of the carnage.

The Hama Revolution Command Council, a network of activists affiliated with the FSA in Hama province, said MiG warplanes bombed the bakery.

Many Syrians face food shortages and other needs as winter weather sets in. The United Nations estimates that more than 2.5 million need humanitarian assistance.

Earlier in the week, opposition groups also said rebels and regime forces battled near a hospital in the Hama province town of Halfaya. Twenty-five people died there, the opposition Local Coordination Committees of Syria said.

Other sources say more than 200 people have been martyred, many of them women and children.
