..we're only united in Football's games?


Junior Member
salam o likum...

i guess,all members know..Gaza...so on..
palsetine's ppls..they try to enter Egypt from Rahfa..

Egyption helped all of them..with everything.
what's annoyed me?

My president/mubarak 's alone?

No help from :
"Al Jaza'ir,Al Bahrayn,Jordan
Kuwait, Lebanon,Morocco,Qatar,Saudi Arabia,Yemen...etc"

or..we're only united in Football's games?
this's so funny and sad in the same time

my president's alone....!!all the world only watching...all the arabic country?

Why we're not united?
why we become seek for life more than death..
why ppls become so bad?
why they doesn't help eachother?

but,No answer..No reply..,
because,that's how we're...
we used to take more than we give,..

sorry,for disturbing...but,really i'm so sad..for the nation..


Staff member
Sad for which nation? the egyptian? yeh maybe. Hosni Mubarak isnt doing this out of the goodness of his heart, I think your thoroughly mistaken if you think that, what choice does he have but to allow them in? They only care about the palestinian conflict when it starts hurting their economy or something, no arab nation has the right to criticise/accuse another arab nation of neglecting their duties towards the palestinians, they are all guilty of that, same goes for Jordan for example, king Abdullah begs the US to do something about israel because his country has such a huge influx of Palestinian refugees, having said that though, not a single arab nation has the strength to go further than mere diplomacy theyre scared. Unity is strength for sure, and theres none of that as you stated, but theres somthing else amiss here, it worst than that even, its pure treachery and lack of regard for muslims who are suffering, placing their palaces and private jets before Islam ..i'll stop here :D


Signing Out.....

It makes me sick that our Palestinian brothers and sisters are being massacred while Hosny Mubarak for one and his army of 500,000 watch on. There was time when the leader of the muslims would mobilise an entire army to aid a single women in need, how times have changed.
