what can one do to increase the love for Allah (Subanallahu Teala) inside?


Junior Member
wa alaikum as salaam,
wow, i feel you have spoken my words! this sounds sooo much like me. when i pray,at times, my minds wanders here & there then suddenly i realize that i should be heedful of my prayer right now....
and i am a BIG BIG nature freak. i love nature & everything about it. i have even written a poem on Nature, will post soon InshAllah:)even the smallest and common things of nature deeply amaze me. the only words i can speak are "SUBHAN ALLAH!" i just wonder how ALLAH created them and what might happen to them on the day of judgment (like mountains will be crushed to mud..& what'll happen to the sky...)i start imagining all this and it fills my heart with "ALLAH"

i must say my friend, u've asked a very good question here. when i feel lack of concentration in prayer and feel guilty of sins, i listen to the Holy Qur'an (esp. recitation by Ahmad Ali Al Ajmy) it sets straight my mind and heart. i recite also but at such times i prefer listening so that i can contemplate better .....


beloved sister I hope Allah will lead me and you to and on the straight pass and forgive us...

:hearts: :hearts: :hearts:



Junior Member

sometimes I tend to be to engaged with this world... even when I pray I first have to shut of the "television" in my mind... it is not always easy to forget the everyday life for some minutes so as to be ready to do the prayer... but prayer itself is not enough... what can one do to increase the love for Allah (Subanallahu Teala) inside?
For example I´m a "nature freak" when I see some beautiful pics about the dessert or the mountains or when I´m in a place with a stunning nature ... than I always remember Allah with total admiration... have u got any advices about how we can come more close to Allah and love Him more....?

What helps me is the connection between science and Islam. Look for reminders or search for things like history pharoh the ARK just found in Turkey with a aya proof ALLAH said it is. HOPE this helps inshallah