What do u think about that??

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Asslamau Alaikum Brothers and Sisters..
I want to told u a short story.. I gave a promise of marriage to a sister, I want to marry with her, I made Douaa about that, and one day, I made it, and when I sleepted, I saw a dream , I did'nt understand it, it was : "we are married , and Allah gave us a baby, when I took him, he sayd : Allah , La ilaha illa Lah"...
Please, can u tell me what my dream means??
I ask Allah if That Good for me or not..
Assalamu Alaikum


Signing Out.....

No one can interpret dreams but to be honest, this dream of yours doesn't sound like a nightmare does it? If I was in your situation and had that dream, I would take it as a good sign.



New Member
yes, I would take it as a good sign me too, I think if the dream was before al Fajr it's a RO'ya, so just remeber is it befre or after fajer.
anyway that s good sign but dont let it make you Fitna (don t let it influence your daily life )remain in your regalar simple life that what you should do I guess .


Staff member
Wa alaykum Salam,

it doesnt necessarily mean anything. We can not tell you what it means, it is for you to reflect on, personally.

My advice to you is to get married according to the Islamic guidelines, marry good Muslim girl who understand and love Islam and wishes to live the life of a Muslimah.

And you yourself must strive hard to learn Islam and have correct belief in Allah and worship him alone and do your best to follow the Prophet :saw: and his Sunnah.

Remember to do Istikhara before any decision

I am going to close this Topic, because I am sure you do not want people to write anything silly and without knowledge. These sort of topics are not for people to just talk about.

Islam is about knowledge which comes firmly from Quran and Sunnah.

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