What Does the Quran Say About Racism?


Junior Member
Unfortunately, racism has continued to be an issue worldwide in the present time as well as the past. During the time of Muhammad ﷺ, segregation was extremely common. In Mecca, where people generally identified themselves with a particular tribe, racism was a fact of life. Violence between tribes was common and only increased as Muhammad's ﷺ following grew. Muslims experienced monumental discrimination in the early days of Islam, with some being driven out of their homes for their religious beliefs. It should come as no surprise, then, that Muhammad had some pretty strong opinions about racism. Throughout his prophethood, Muhammad ﷺ encouraged his followers to be kind and courteous towards members of other tribes, races, and religions. His teachings on the importance of inclusivity can today be found in the Hadith, complementing similar sentiments in the Quran. In this article, we're going to be looking at what the Quran and Hadith have to say about racism.