what happens to old threads..

ummi h

Junior Member
assalamu alekum.

about a month ago i read something that i liked, but now i cant find it.
how do i find old prevous threads please......

jazakallahqeran in advance.


Staff member
wa 'alaykum salaam

If you look towards the top there is a 'search' button type thing with an arrow under it - for a quick search you can type it there, or you can go more specific to Advanced Search and look there.

When I look for old threads personally this search button is easiest. If you can remember the title, or specific words which stuck out more, or perhaps the section it was in or the User, just put that in, and it will bring out different results.

Or if you remember the section the thread was in, you could manually search that part of the forum - but that isnt very easy to do.

However in general, unless there was some wrong content, or something which perhaps the Moderators didnt find appropriate in a thread - they are usually all still there, they dont get deleted or anything of that sort.

I hope you find what you're looking for!
