what have u given him???


Muslim Unity...
She sat by the window, wrapped in her husband’s shawl, waiting for him to come home
As she stared out of the window, she burdened herself with these thoughts
She wondered why Allah did not bless her like he others she knew
Was it not unfair that her friends should get what she desired for so long?
Was it not unjust that what she wanted so much was given to others and not to her?
Then, she heard a voice, not from outside, but from within her
How selfish you are, this voice said
How am I selfish? she asked the voice
I am only asking for that which everyone else has
Why can’t Allah give me that? she complained.
Think, the voice commanded, what have you given Allah?
Why should He grant you what you wish for?
He has made you a Muslim; He given you a loving husband
He has given you your health; He has given you your home
Have you ever given Him what He wants?
By blessing you with Emaan, he has ensured you Jannah
Have you thanked Him for this?
By ordaining Salaah, He has made possible for you to speak with him
Have you thanked Him for this?
By giving you Quran, He has given you the keys to salvation
Have you thanked him for this?
Instead, you take Emaan for granted
You pray Salaah most wearily
You forget that you were blessed with a book
Tears fall from her eyes as she realizes the truth
You are right, she said through sobs
I have not thanked Allah for what He has given me
Oh Allah, please forgive me
Oh Allah, You have given me so much
Oh Allah, I can never thank You enough but I will try
Please grant me patience, for You are the only one who can
Please help me become one of Your chosen slaves
Oh Allah…
She cried softly, and with each sob she could feel herself lighter
It was as if someone was removing a great burden from her back
And why should she not feel this way, for has not Allah said
“When My slave walks toward Me, I run to him”?


Subhana Allah!

:SMILY23::SMILY23::SMILY23: walahi thats true. we only look at what people have, we don't look at what we have. this is really nice reminder masha Allah. i wonder where u get from all these beautiful and tearful threads, masha Allah. jazak Allahu khayra Sister ruki. may Allah subhana wata'ala bless u and increase ur knowledge in ISLAM ameen....:hearts:
