What is freedom?


for a muslim - freedom is doing all sorts of work that is halaal according to shariah.

for a non muslim - freedom is what the government permits to - do / think / understand good for the people.


You touched an important area. There are two types of civilization. One which people follow God's law and another which is sovereigned by man-made laws.

Man-made laws change and adapt to the feelings, norms, and culture of the time period. This is why many Western countries who follow man-made laws have their laws & constitutions amended, ratified every year or so.

Shariah law (Islamic religious law) can be applied to today's society just as it was 1400 years ago - subhanallah - the Islamic law system could be incorporated no matter what society, country, or time period you live in. The system works beautifully when implemented. There is justice, rules to trade, POW, marriage rights, etc. We can see how Thomas Jefferson incorporated such expressions as "freedom of religion" in the U.S. Consitutition, which is reported to have been borrowed from the Holy Quran!


New Member
freedom to me

freedom to me is many things.....being able to walk down the street without being video taped....being able to drive a car and not be racially profiled by a police officer.......being able to have personal freedom such as if i want to smoke a spliff i should have the right too! being able to type about stuff like this on the web without being wiretapped by CIA or w.e...........to me freedom is those simple things......being able to sleep on the beach, being able to walk in a neighborhood and not be looked at the wrong way, because it makes no sense being a prisoner in your own neighborhood let alone your own country....................................and thats what i think freedom is