What is scientism?


Junior Member
it was just today that i'v heard of scientism..

what are the basics of scientism?
when did it start? and by whom?


Staff member
I assume you are asking about Scientology.

It is kind of a religion started by a science fiction writer L. Ron Hubbard :)

According to them:

Xenu was supposed to have gathered up all the overpopulation in a galaxy, brought them to Earth and then exterminated them using hydrogen bombs.

The souls of these murdered people are then supposed to infest the body of everyone. They are called "body thetans".

Basically, people are evaluated by the folks running Scientology church and are required to undertake courses to remove these body thetans. And these courses are not free.

You keep on taking up more and more courses and keep on paying more and more money to to traverse through levels to reach top.

On the advanced levels of Scientology a person "audits out" these body thetans telepathically by getting them to re-experience their being exterminated by hydrogen bombs.

Only the people who reach the top level of the hierarchy are told "the secret"

Below is BBC documentary "Scientology and Me":
