What is your generalisation toward muslims (if any)?


New Member

I'm amazed with numbers of brothers and sisters that revert to islam, Alhamdulillah. Nevertheless, I keep wondering what is your generalisation towards muslims before you revert to islam.

I'm a born muslim. I have my own fair sharing of generalising muslims. When I was a kid, I always thought that malay (I'm from South East Asia, Malaysia to be more specific) is muslim, arab is muslim. Once I grew older, I realised that is not true at all. I learn that not all muslims are malays/arabs and not all malays/ arabs are muslims. I learn to differentiate between the malay teaching/customs and Islam.

Living in a multi racial country I always told to associate Chinese with Christinity or Buddism, Indian with Hinduism/ Sikh but then I discovered it was wrong. How can that be? how can only us (the malays) own islam when numbers of Chinese muslims in China superseded Malaysian total population by 110 million, and numbers of Indian muslims in India outnumbered Malaysian total population by the same figure i.e. 110 million. By the way I blamed my government for deceiving the story. I know it is for their political advantage i.e. to 'break and rule' - easy to maneuver