What kind of Muslim are you


Junior Member
It makes me angry how people want to divide us Muslims, and be ok with it. Forget about all the different sects or whatever. Just we are Muslims! We should not give eachother names or follow different things. We should be united. I can't stand such things like this. May Allah punish those who divide our Islam.
We must also explain to people that do not know better that we are Muslim. We are one. Forget all the other stuff you here about shia or sunni. Don't even make labels.


Junior Member
Assalamoelaikoem warahmatullahi wbarakatuh,

People who say we are muslim are divided...this is reality. Denying the reality is not the solution...

The big question is: Is it right to be silent about the differend sects and their misleadings? Is it right to say all the creeds of the people who say we are muslims is islam?

Of course not.....Read the quran and the teachings of our prophet peace be upon Him

Allah is not hidding the truth...the truth has to be said....We have to refute the false beliefs...this is an obligation...So people can unite on the truth and that is islam otherwise they will unity on falsehood

Salam oelaikoem watahmatullahi wbaralakatuh


New Member
Wahabi is only a nick

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Being a Wahhabi or Salafi is not an accusation, Both Wahabi and Salafi people are Sunna Muslims..

Dont say that you are a Wahabi or anything else coz you are propagating division in muslim. You are a muslim and yes, you must be proud. People who accuse his own brother being wahabi, is himself in the wrong path. Because Allah reveal that Those who give nicknames to their brother of islam will fall in Hell with a distance further than that of east to west.

Besides, it is easy to find that people accusing wahabis are wrong since abdul wahab was the name of the imam's father and not his.

Muhammad Abdul wahab has not come with new faith nor wiz innovation but had rathered clean Saudi Arabia of shia false beliefs....

the true name of the creed is AT-Tawheed (oness of Allah).

Prophet had got nicknames coz he was preaching the truth and Tawheed is getting nicknames coz they also preach wat the prophet had done...

and finally Commitee of Fatwa of Saudi Arabia accept tawheed as creed of islam and Tawheed beliefs are based on true facts from the practice of the four Kaliph and from the prophet him...

Peace be upon them


Salam everyone...

Sadly or maybe alhamdulilah for me...I don't get asked these types of Wahabi/salafi questions and I'm glad for that part...


I feel the division in my own family and sometimes my friends and muslim sisters :(

They always go to "oh wow your so religious, calm down a bit..."

and subhanallah the only things I do is pray five times a day, be a good as possible of a Muslim and follow my Lord's command.

Is not a 'muslim' the one who prays fasts makes himself a better person in accordance with the teachings of it? Don't call me religious when ALL I'm doing is BEING a Muslim. If that's not what YOU do... What is it you call youself again?

I feel that I don't have to go far to feel the division of Muslims to such degrees as mentioned above... But sadly it's a simple word that shouldn't even exist in Islam.


Junior Member

I´m from Islamistan too.... :) lol that was funny...

I want to say something about the 4 imams... they was all muslims! and they was not enemies of eachother. I respect them all. with following the 4 imams we will not get divided. Rather our diffrent ways of thinking will be given expression. And this is a mercy from Allah.



New Member
They always go to "oh wow your so religious, calm down a bit..."

People who make fun of islaam or islamic practices...The holy prophet said that these people is not part of his ummat.

those phrases are daily used and even in my family too but do tell them the this hadeeth. coz u have the responsibility of ur family