What's your perception?


Heros of Islam
:salam2: Salaam brothers and sisters i just wanted to know how people understand Islam. You can tlk about anything for example MadhHabz or any paticular methodology for dawah you think is effective this may help me to learn a few dawah tricks. I'll start off by telling you what my perception is


Heros of Islam
Islam. The most comprehensive way of living, we as muslims have a purpose. "wa ma khalaqtul jinna wal innsaa illa liya'budun" Allah says "And We have not created jinnkind and mankind, but they may Worship ME" (correct me if i got the translation wrong). our Aim is to to please the All mighty Lord of this world and the hereafter, and to establish His Majesty's authority upon this dunya. Our Understanding & Aqeeda of this deen is لا إله إلاَّ الله محمد رسول الله
and to Follow the Messenger SAW in the most accurate way as possible as our pious ancestors did the Salaf - as- salih. Anything Allah has forbidden is evil and anything Allah has ordained must be done as it is the direct order of our lord and we must obey him, with no comprimisation. We are required to Follow Islam in its full comprihensive way if not there is a big punishment waiting for us if we choose to obey one command and live the rest as Allah says in Surah Baqarah Ayat 85. Which means we should not leave out especially in this day and age the task of Dawah, Hisba and ?????(i'll let you figure that out), these three tasks were the ways of the Salaf - as - salih, and in order to establish the deen into this dunya we must obide by these means following the exact method of the Prophet of Allah SAW. I can go on but i would like others to add or inshaAllah correct me if i am wrong. If i did say anything wrong please forgive me for verily i too am open to shaytans wispers, but anything right i have said comes only by the grace of Allah. SubhanakAllah wa bihamdik, Ash- hadu allaaa Ilaha IllaAnta astaghfiruka wa atubu ilaik. Wasalaam