When I first learned to see

Amina 1

Junior Member
Assalam Alaikum,

This is just my attempt to describe the change I experienced. It is like an Allegory.

The Sun blazed brightly through the mist.
Exposing me from my secluded emerald nest.
Dew drops glistening on my skin, dropping silently from my wingtips.
All my security gone I was exposed,alone.
Shivering with cold I hobble along .
To scared to look around, I steadily study the ground.
Mile after mile, year after year I faithfully tread.
Ever forward through the mud, although I was never lacking
in good grubs.
I felt so terribly misunderstood.
Then one day I stopped and sighed "Oh Why?"
As I spoke these words I threw back my head,for the first
time I could really see!
All this glory just for me? No it cannot be.
I spread my wings all the dirt falling off.
Then I soar off to ever increasing heights.
From the heights I see the circular path that I had tread for so
long back when I was so far gone.
I wondered why for so long I had ignored his call.
Amazed at how he had still protected me.
Even when I had so rejected to see.
Now I will never move out of his light.
He is everything and everyone,He is all that is and all that will
ever be.
He is the ONE and ONLY.The king of all he sees and all that can
Many names describe him ALLAH is just one of them.
But it is by that name that I know him.

ALLAHO AKHBAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

allah is with me

Rabana Wa laqal Hamd

:salam2: sister
mashallah sister...what ever you have experienced is all by the will of allah and allah might have tested you and thanks sister for the sharing your experience with us ...im sorry sister if i have said something wrong ........
your beloved sister :blackhijab:


Junior Member
mashaAllah!! i like it..i like it alllottt lol really good poem, beautifully described experience..inshaAllah He, Lord of all the worlds, keeps u guided and protected always, and grants u jannah in peace aameen! hope to see more of ur poems on here inshaAllah. wa'assalam