Where should Your husband Be??


*Fear Allah*
Assaalamu alaikum warahmat ullah,
Very interesting point indeed, but I think we are drifting off the topic, which was IS IT FAIR THAT THE HUSBAND IS NOT PAYING ENOUGH ATTENTION TO HIS FAMILY?

Sister Amirah, your husband should realise that he has the right to make his family happy. This means, that he if you need him (for whatever reason) he should be there for his family because that's the responsibility he took upon himself when he dediced to get married to you. Your marriage is supposed to be a partnership (and more) between the two of you and NOT with his friend.

Maybe his friend thinks that your husband owes him for helping him get a job in a place where he knows no one but him(friend). But this is where the friend should draw the line and step back. I mean, its not only a strange place for your husband but for you too. The only friend you have and know right now is him, right?

Hope I didn't say too much that I have offended anyone or too little that everything that I just wrote was of no benefit.:astag:


Salam Khadija

thank you for responding. Actually it as only been a few days and my husband took us out and too the park. It was very nice. His friend came yesterday and I made them dinner but he has not been coming everyday so it is started to work itself out. Alhumdulilah. You are right here he is my only friend :( I want to go to the mosque and meet people but it is far from my home and not in a great area. I think I want to move to the neighborhood so I can go to the mosque frequently. I will scarifice living in a good neighborhood to be closer to the mosque and there is alot of muslims in that area. Inshallah I will meet some pious sisters here then maybe I will not feel I need all my husbands time :) I am just bored without someone to talk to all the time. I'm using this time to study Islam, be with my kids and be on TTI but I would like someone to also help me study. So to go on and on but the spending time situation is getting better day by day. I believe that will get better sooner like everyone said inshallah

Salam Khadija
