Who are the 48 Arabs?


Junior Member

Who are the 48 Arabs?
Arab citizens of Israel is a phrase used to describe Arabs or Arabic-speaking
people that are not Jewish, who are citizens of the State of Israel.

Personal identification varies, but recent trends have shown somewhat of a dual Palestinian Arab and Israeli identity, more or less. Many Arab citizens hold many ties, including family ties, to Palestinians in the West Bank, Gaza Strip and Jordan. Among the Bedouin and Druze, there has been relatively greater emphasis on their identity as Israelis, and both groups perform compulsory military service, unlike their Christian and Muslim counterparts
and the number of Arabs in Israel, more than a million

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Who is the Islamic Movement in Israel?

The Islamic movement among the Muslims in Israel has grown by leaps and bounds since the 1980s, and has by now imposed its presence not only culturally but also politically, both in intra-Arab and in Israeli national politics. Prior to the local elections of November 1998, the Islamic movement split between the southern faction headed by Sheikh Abdallah Darwish, the founder of the movement, who has opted for joining Israeli national politics, and the more radical northern faction led by Sheikh Ra'id Salah, the Mayor of Umm al-Fahm, who has chosen the course of isolating his constituents in Islamic enclaves within Israel and remains adamant in his support of Hamas and other fundamentalist Muslim movements. It is the northern faction which engendered the recent acts of terror, but one fears that the general atmosphere of violence created by those acts, and the high prestige which the perpetrators enjoy among their peers, might encourage others to join the circle of terror.

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