who is responsable for this?

assalamualikum all

i am since last month in visiting this web site

i never wanted to say a things but i cant stop my self any more

in this nice web site there are a lot of topics which make my iman weak

specially the speeches about christian topics

there are a lot of bad things which never rised in my mind about islam

there are also answer for every question

but if i read those things then shaitan came in mind and try to play with my iman

this topics are rediculious

why we have to read those topics?

is islam not true enough?

are we all became islamic scholar?

have we read all the books about islam?

have we those ayaat and hadiths in our life?

if i debate with someone then there is not a high chance for him to accept islam

because after read the 5 ayaat oh sura baqarra if any body has still doubt and start to debate then allah knows best about his hedayat.

islam is a light ,,if we have enough this light in our daily life then those people will not start to debate with us,they will ask about islam to accept it.

forgive me brother for my english knowledge

and try to keep us away from that type of topics which dont increase our iman

ddont forget me in your dua´s