Who knows the History well ?


New Member

Dear Brothers and sisters,I met a christan friend who told me Bible came before Quaran.
So which came first?

Quaran came from our Last prophet (Muhammad) may peace be upon him,
While prophet Jesus came before prophet (Muhammad) may peace be upon him....right..

And also when the quaran came...did came as a book already written ??

Those who know please share..Thank You




Junior Member
Assalmoelaikoem warahmatullahi wbarakatuh,

Yes the Injeel came before the Quraan. It's logical because Isa peace be upon him came before our prophet Muhammad Peace be upon him. Isa with the injeel and our prophet with the Quraan.

But i have to mention the fact that the injeel has been changed and the Quraan is never changed and will never be changed.

The Quraan was not revealed as a book, but instead it has been given as an inspiration from Jibreel to Muhammad. The Quraan is the speech of Allah. Our prophet peace be upon him ordered his companions to write the Quraan. And they have written the Quraan.

Wassalamoelaikoem warahmatullahi wbarakatuh