Why All The Bickering???!!!!!


Hubbi Li Rabbi
Staff member

brothers and sisters...

It was difficult for me to browse TTI on regular basis due to several circumstances and lately, I've been having the time to do so...and if I may say...with no offense intended towards anyone...


I was opening threads...and as I was reading I noticed that they all contained so much bickering...and so much disrespect...and so much anger...and so many topics that I still cannot figure out WHY someone would post them on an ISLAMIC website and still think that their post is appropriate!!!..

in addition to the many discussions left to take course in the worst of manners without any pointers or interference from those who are able to put an end to it...or at least put the discussion back on track!

I was shocked..shocked..shocked...needless to say!!!

many brothers and sisters seem to post without thinking that Allah (swt) watches every letter they type through their keyboard..and they do not consider taqwa of Allah (swt) when talking to others...and forget that they are supposed to present the best of their character not only to non-muslims...but to their muslim brothers and sisters as well!

and many other members...do not have the slightest consideration of the feelings of the Muslim members here...and sound a bit too eager and too pushy in using their right of freedom of speech...and leave nothing but a very very very thin line between them and between impoliteness and crudeness...you don't believe in what I believe...sobhanallah!...nobody is going to shed blood over that!...but at least...be courteous in what you say!

everyone is entitled to possess opinions...EVERYONE...and everyone deserves the right to express them...

but keep Allah in mind when you do..should you be a brother or a sister in deen...keep your words wise..and beautiful so you may earn the ajer for them inshallah...and perhaps be one out of many motives for a non-muslim to consider Islam and open their eyes and hearts to it!

and should you be a curious-soul...a brother or sister in humanity...then put yourself in our position (us muslims)...put in mind what we love...what we respect..what we commit to..what we believe...and how deeply attached we are to these matters...and choose your words wisely and respectfully...and from then on...say what you please...and ask what you please...and inshallah nobody will be disappointed!!!

I pray that this situation changes...it saddens me that a wonderful website like this would lose its committed members and/or be avoided due to bickering which can be easily avoided...

and in the end...

I ask Allah (swt) to guide us and help us all!



Servant of Allah
jazakallah. your words were very true. and as an individual i'll do my best and if i have wronged anyone or disrespected anyone, i hope i will be forgiven by them but most importantly by allah. thank you for the reminder. asalamu alaykum wrwb.

nori suja'i

Junior Member
wa alaikum salam sister,
u're right but sometimes could be out of emotional feeling of some members like after watching in one of the youtube video as one group of soldiers teaching local muslim children to say "i like to eat pork" while clasping their hands and make fun of them as they knew these children are ignorant of english.
jazak'Allah Khair.


Hubbi Li Rabbi
Staff member

Yojazeena Ajmae'en Inshallah...thank you brother

jazakallah. your words were very true. and as an individual i'll do my best and if i have wronged anyone or disrespected anyone, i hope i will be forgiven by them but most importantly by allah. thank you for the reminder. asalamu alaykum wrwb.

I sure would like to express the same will...to try my best to post only that which satisfies the manners of a Muslimah...baraka allaho feeki sister!

wa alaikum salam sister,
u're right but sometimes could be out of emotional feeling of some members like after watching in one of the youtube video as one group of soldiers teaching local muslim children to say "i like to eat pork" while clasping their hands and make fun of them as they knew these children are ignorant of english.
jazak'Allah Khair.

in this case brother...I think avoiding writing a reply and taking a minute or two to cool down the anger..and focusing on what we *should* say...would solve the issue...nobody justifies what these people do..but we cannot stoop down in levels of manners and politeness to show our stance against a matter...I appreciate your input



I am glad you wrote this. I often think that many many members of our community are very young. I am begining to think that youth is rather inflexible. We have great passion here. I have written before that this is a family and like families the siblings fight over everything. I know my sons do. This is my side of the room and this is your side of the room. And I come along and remind them that it is just one room.
We forget we need to exhibit the best of manners. How often I write to members not to use the language of text messenging. I refuse to read those posts. We are a public forum.

I know Islam is critized in the western world. I know how difficult it is to remain focused when your entire world is blaming your faith. I think many members release our emotions here because TTI is a safety zone.

It is nice to have some brothers and sisters who do put the posts back on track. We have mature minds. We can not blame the moderators..they have enough to do.

So thank you for reminding us that we are Muslims and need to exhibit the best of manners at all times.



jazak Allah kheiran sister for the reminder..we really need it sometime...inshaAllah everybody will do their best to be in good manners ...



Hubbi Li Rabbi
Staff member

Jazak Allah Khair. Great Reminder

Salam Amirah80:hearts:

wa jazaki bil mithl inshallah...thank you sister

as salaamualaikom wa rehmatullah wa barakatuhu.
very well said,indeed.

Wa'alaikum Salaam,

Well said!

alhamduliallah for that...jazakom allah khair


I am glad you wrote this. I often think that many many members of our community are very young. I am begining to think that youth is rather inflexible. We have great passion here. I have written before that this is a family and like families the siblings fight over everything. I know my sons do. This is my side of the room and this is your side of the room. And I come along and remind them that it is just one room.
We forget we need to exhibit the best of manners. How often I write to members not to use the language of text messenging. I refuse to read those posts. We are a public forum.

I know Islam is critized in the western world. I know how difficult it is to remain focused when your entire world is blaming your faith. I think many members release our emotions here because TTI is a safety zone.

It is nice to have some brothers and sisters who do put the posts back on track. We have mature minds. We can not blame the moderators..they have enough to do.

So thank you for reminding us that we are Muslims and need to exhibit the best of manners at all times.

dear aapa...how I missed you!...if I didn't have faith in some of the brothers and sister in TTI..and their passion...I wouldn't have written these words...

Salaamu alykum..such a great reminder sister :) :) inshallah all members benefit from this advice...Jazakallah Khairan...


jazak Allah kheiran sister for the reminder..we really need it sometime...inshaAllah everybody will do their best to be in good manners ...


Inshallah we all keep in mind that manners and respect come first...baraka allaho feekom!

wa 3alaikum assalam wa rahmatu allah wa barakatoh


Subhana Allah!

masha Allah very true, jazak Allahu khayra for sharing

may Allah subhana wata'ala be pleased with u ameen:tti_sister:

Salaam sister a_muslimah86,

Jazakallah khair for the reminder. It is always needed. :)

It's easy to type words using our little keyboards; we should be cognizant to not only say what we feel but feel what we say. This has a huge impact, especially when one is engaged in giving Dawah. It's easy to get frustrated, but patience is the best remedy in ANY trouble.

It's difficult to communicate with words sometimes, especially over the internet. This is a global forum. We are being watched.

Thank you again.