Why Babri Masjid was broken by Hindus


New Member
Salam dear,
Thanks for sharing this aricle with us. This is a masjid (Allah's Home). Allah know what need to do for them....


Rama, Laxamana, Sita TurnToIslam in Babri masjid !

On 30th September 2010, the judgement on Babri masjidh was granted. The case was on hearing for 60 yearse. But the judgement passed was favourable for Hindu....... Read more..



quote from the atricle said:Inside the Mosque a mob kept Rama, Laxamana, Sita statues and claimed that their God took avatar (appeared) inside the mosque and they started agitating against innocent Muslims.

An FIR was filed at faizabad police station. Afterwards central and state government banned Muslims to conduct prayer inside the mosque and this became one of the important issue in Indian history.
Then Innocent Hindu's mind were brain-washed with hatred feeling against Muslims by spreading a false propaganda that "Babri Majid was built by demolishing Ram Temple

well it was a mosque in the first place and became a hindu temple after the statue of hindus god was found inside the Mosque by muslim who was about to perform prayer at that time .
1.A mosque
Answer: is always a mosque a place for muslim to perform prayer!

2. Hindu god Rama, Laxamana, Sita statues was found inside the mosque!
Answer:The Hindu god Rama, Laxamana, Sita was about to embrace to Islam!

Well , since the article said many hindus was turning to Islam during that time so it obvious that their god are turning into Islam too!

But ofcourse Hindu are rich too, they can built big temple if they want but keeping a mosque and turn into temple for the reason that one morning they found their Rama, Laxamana, Sita statues in the mosque and decided to keep the mosque and against muslim to pray in there!<<<Sound unreasonable!

About turning a mosque to temple is rediculous childish and consider highway robbery.

So what if one to find a statue of Jesus Christ or his mother Mary in the hindus temple meaning the hindus have to banned all hindu prayer in the temple then turn their temple into a church and surrender the temple to Christian bcuz a statue of Jesus Christ or his mother Mary was in their temple!

Somebody is playing prank and making these people foolish !

Respect is very important we are living in one world many race and religion!Everybody have to know their ground!
Never to adopt the Jews living style: practice not similar like what their speech!!!


Thank you,
Take Care!

~Wassalam :)


Junior Member
Jazakallahu Kairan for sharing ur opinions, Every Muslim should know this history.This masjidh belongs to Muslims of India. It is important to Indian Muslims. Not only Indain Muslims but it also values to Islamic History of India


~May Allah shower blesses upon all muslim~Amin!

Jazakallahu Kairan for sharing ur opinions, Every Muslim should know this history.This masjidh belongs to Muslims of India. It is important to Indian Muslims. Not only Indain Muslims but it also values to Islamic History of India



Agree with you brother :)
For sharing
this post brother.


:tti_sister:~May Allah shower blesses upon all muslim~Amin!

Thank you,
Take Care!

~Wassalam :)


New Member
Jazakumullahu Hiran,

Yes I too agreed with your opinion. and Thanks for sharing this post with us. As a Muslim, we never give up this masjid to other commiunity because this is Allah SW place.



Junior Member
indian Waquf Concil has appealed against this judgment in Indian high court is the very latest news about this case. Dua to save house of Allah!


~Salam to all!

indian Waquf Concil has appealed against this judgment in Indian high court is the very latest news about this case. Dua to save house of Allah!


“ Allah swt said:
Fear not, verily I am with you both, Hearing and Seeing.”
(Qur’an: Translation of the meaning, 20:46)

~May Allah swt help us~Amin!

Thank you sharing brother

Take Care!
~Wassalam :)