Why Can't We Be Friends?


Turn To Islam
By Aneera `Ali

Litigator, Writer, Counselor — US

When I was practicing family law, the majority of cases involved child support or child custody, and it was always a battle where, in the end, the losers are the children because of the unnatural conditions of their childhood. The problem continues in a vicious cycle because the children will grow up to behave the same. They will not know how to cope, they will not be able to make commitments and they will fail in being compromising in their relationships.

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Many of our children ask why they can't be friends with the opposite gender. They say it is just friendship and there should be no restrictions prohibiting them from hanging out or just being friends with the opposite gender. Within school, work, or the community there is no problem for young men and women to talk or meet with one another as long as they are wearing the proper Muslim attire and, of course, abide by Islamic regulations in this regard. However, if we observe what is happening in the United States, we will understand that most of the problems that exist socially do so because of this one issue of men and women having the freedom to mix with one another without any limitations.

Have you ever followed a relationship that started as boyfriend-girlfriend? In the USA that is the culture, right? Let me tell you that this is the major problem with US society. It is the very ROOT of their problems, and they are blind to it.

When young boys and girls meet freely in their tender teenage years, natural changes are occurring — they start developing interest in one another. When they are without limits around one another, this leads to exploration. This is natural, for they are humans, but this leads to experiments and emotional involvement. When they experience sexual contact, it feels good, which is natural.

Sequence of Events

If the girl is unlucky, she gets pregnant and the boy backs off from the responsibility. The boy's family all of a sudden remembers that he is young and his future will be ruined. The girl is left with feelings of humiliation, with the possibility of abortion, and with her family unable or unwilling to support another life. If they can, they do, but most of the time this is with disapproval. If the girl is left on her own and has the baby, she may go on welfare with an incomplete education, no other source of financial support, and unaffordable child care. With life on welfare, the children of such unfortunate mothers repeat this pattern. There are laws providing that the father of the baby has to be economically responsible for his child, but he will try his whole life to escape this.

These young single mothers do not have health insurance, child care, or money for even food of their own. The budget for programs that support young unmarried mothers created to deal with these issues leave little for education, security, caring for the elderly and the disabled, and all the other positive benefits of the country. Without proper education, these young women become a loss to society and failures of the value system.

Then you have the diseases that result from these clandestine relationships, the money spent on cures for these diseases, and the abortion debate. Abortion is a very hot topicin the US because — what may not be known to people outside the US — Americans are more religiously conservative than Europeans! They may let boys and girls meet freely, but when pregnancy occurs out of wedlock for teenagers, it is very much frowned upon.

But what did they expect? Most people who live in the Bible Belt (where Christianity is very strong) are very much against abortion. The trick is to not to get caught. But logically, this freedom of allowing boys and girls to mix without limitations leads to social chaos and is the prime reason for all the problems in society.


Regaining Balance

Islam recognizes and allows sexual expression within a framework where it can be enjoyed without repercussions for the couple, the offspring, and society at large — i.e. marriage.

When someone gets married, he or she is not just signing a paper. In marriage, the person is recognizing the natural needs of humans and at the same time entering into a contract before Allah with witnesses who will ensure that the two individuals are now committed to each other totally.

The man is responsible for the economics of the household, providing for the wife and children, and he cannot turn away from his duty. The woman is responsible for raising and teaching the children, preserving the household, and then for whatever is of mutual agreement. If they are faithful to each other they will stay in a healthy and enjoyable relationship in sha' Allah, in which they have completely and totally given themselves to each other and to no one else. It is truly special and beautiful. This way sex is respected and honored, unlike in schools and on college campuses where sex has become a sport, without value or honor. How can it be special and wonderful if it becomes so common

Aneera `Ali began as a counselor working in the Muslim community and with victims of domestic violence. Later on she became a forensic psychologist at the JohnJay Collegeof Criminal Justice, a student counselor/attorney, and a staff attorney. Now she is an accomplished litigator. Her experience includes working with or defending women victims of domestic violence, students, child abuse cases (due to parental neglect), juvenile and mental health cases, the disabled, paternity cases, family law, property rights (tenants), and child support, and. managing a hotline. Currently as litigator, `Ali is passionate about working on complex cases and providing legal counsel in her community. `Ali is an affiliate of the American Immigration Lawyers Association.


Junior Member
Assalamu alykoum we rahmatuluhi we barakatu!

I read this article very carefully. I totally agree with the fact that parents should a little bit control their kids' relationships with others. That's without any disagreement. But in the same time, we need to remember that children need to communicate and to spend time together, because they need to socialize, they need to learn other genders' reactions,cuz this will never come when you are married!

So, I would like to underline the fact that kids should be friends with everyone they want only in few conditions. Firstly, parents need to know who these friends are. Secondly, paretns should talk about sex with their kids. If they are true Muslims or true believers of any other religion from Allah, they would know what to do,and what is forbidden. As parents we can't live aour childrens' lifes, cuz we need to give them "healthy" freedom, I hopw everyone understands me well:)
I think we need to treat this world as a test, as a place were a lot of bad things happen, but when we think, when we talk with others, when we have a good relation with Allah (swt), everything will be ok, in shaa Allah! I totally believe in this.
Of course the problem is when we look at people who are not well educated, or they simply don;t believe. These kind of people are humas to, they exist from centuries, and they will exist. The essencial is how we can help them...and only one thing which I can see is just making them more aware of life, of Allah, and -simply- help them! (especially when we talk with lonely mothers)!! But don;t exclue them from our society, or talk about them as evils...They are lost...

I know that many of my statements are not strictly connected with article, but these thought came to my mind, cuz once I had such a discussion...

So Sisters and Brothers

Maa el salama and I hope I will read more of your points of view:)



The article expressed soical ills in a very simplistic manner. The problems are more complex..we need to remember that society..those in power..the oppressors have made laws and systems to ensure that that the cycle of poverty continues. Those who are poor and have children out of wedlock often have little choice. Sometimes having a child gives the family more money and inroads into the system so that they can have a place to live and food on the table.
We need to be very careful before we condemn a group of people for their behavior. Let us not look at people from the eyes of the oppressors and the theories that make-up. If we do we are equally guilty of siding with those who oppress. The system uses the poor and takes the middle class to attack the poor and keep them in their place.