Why do I get so angry?


New Member
Assalamu Alaykum
My blood is boiling while I'm typing this.

Why do I get so angry when I see pictures of Muslim[ah]s and crosses (suggesting that it's only a matter of time before Muslim[ah]s see "the truth")? Or why do I get so angry when I hear of Christian Missionaries converting some Muslim[ah]s to their false religion?

Why do I get so angry when people make fun of Allah (SWT), or the Prophet (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon them and their families)?

Why do I get angry in these situations? Whenever I see a Muslim[ah] and see crosses in the background, whenever I hear of Muslim[ah] converts to Christianity, whenever someone speaks a lie about Islam, whenever someone preaches against Islam, etc., I get angry.

Not angry in the sense that I want to kill all of the non-believers/people doing this stuff. Definatly not. But, I get so angry that I just want to debate until there's no end and shake a non-believer's faith (or make a secular person believe in Islam) so much that they'll go to bed crying.

Whenever I see a non-Muslim enter an Islamic chatroom, I rub my hands together as if plotting diabolically, I make Du'a to Allah (SWT) for me to guide this non-believer, and I "let the games begin". I feel a sense of comfort after I win these debates (Alhamdulillah, I haven't seemed to have lost one! The person I'm debating always leaves/doesn't answer back). I know that debating has no place in Islam, but, to be honest, I LOVE shaking someone's belief so much that they'll have no choice to come to Islam after a week of crying. Astaghfirullah.

I always talk with an Atheist friend about Christianity and we always share arguments (usually during Algebra Class).

What is this? Is this Shaytaan? I'm an early teenager yet I win debates against people up to 30 years of age; and they never know my age. If I told them, they wouldn't believe me! What is up with this? My intelligence in all levels of intelligence are average/a little above average and yet, in Spiritual Intelligence, I would have an I.Q. of 200!

I'm sorry for my little rant, but these questions have been bothering me forever. I started my spiritual journey at the age of 8! I could debate a person about my religion (back then Christianity) and win, at the age of 11! This is really beginning to freak me out, to be honest...

I began learning about Islam with this one question to a substitute teacher in September of 2001: "Who is the god of Islam?". The answer was: "Muhammad". I got angry at this, and I felt the same feeling as I felt now, except with Islam. I felt that I should rip the Muslim's faith to pieces and convert the whole world to Christianity. Now it's the same, except replace "Muslim's" with "Christian's" and "Christianity" with "Islam". Is this zeal for my religion from Allah, or Shaytaan?

:salam2: brother,

I really recognize what you were describing, because that anger is also what I feel when people assult OUR GOD ALLAH en our prophets, or our deen.
But keep in mind, discussion is not the way to prove your right, don't make kuffaar feel so bad about their faith and believes, thats not how our prophet acted.
I also remember a quote of a very famous imaam/sheikh (I forgot his name) and he said:
'Give me ten islamic scholars or shoejoeg who have a different opinion than mine (about a subject) en let me debate with them and I'll win. But give me one atheist and let me debate with him and I'll lose, not because he's right, but because his heart is covered and he will keep asking why.'

Also,I think the best way to discuss with kufaar, especially christians etc. is to let them find the errors in their believes, not you 'throwing it in their face'. Ask them questions about things have no answers in their religion and compare it with our religion and give the answer of our religion to it. That will make them think

And also, remember all the Christians who are bragging about people who converted from Islam to Christianity, that these people are not people with any knowledge of Islam, they are mostly Iranian people who where opressed by their Shia regime and they learned not the Islam but de ignorant mid-eastern cultures where it's justified to opress woman etc.
You'll never hear about someone with a lot of knowledge of islam, or a Imam who converted to Christianity or an other faith, simply because they KNEW what they believed in and they KNOW the true Islam and not just culture. In contrary to that, you often hear about priests, pastors and very practising Christians who convert to Islam, eventhough they had a lot of knowledge of Christianity.

Last, but not least; my naseeha to you and also to myself and all the other brothers and sisters. Stay ALWAYS friendly and patient towards people/kufaar, because it can happen'That you will be the only Quran people will ever read. So always behave in the best way you can.

:wasalam: your sister in islam


Junior Member
don't b angery

start meeting muslims who reverted to islam from christianity u going to b less angery insh'allah,plus see the story of new mulsims & reverts am sure its going to make u more happy then being upset with your bad experience insh'allah


New Member
why do i get angry?

:salam2: when i read your'e story . one of your'e questions got my attention ."is this from shaytaan? no it's not because shaytaan is against this deen"islam" . Do you know that islam need people like ? who have "Ghierah "for their deen and care about it that's what we need "muslims". I think all muslims should have the same feeling. I so proud of you and keep going.:ma: :ma: :salam2:


Signing Out.....
:salam2: Newmuslim,

:mashallah: It's brilliant that you are so passionate about Islam. Just make sure you don't go over boundaries in your anger. And also you should remember, most people don't react too well when faced with anger. Sometimes, it's better to take a calmer approach.
