Why Good Manners Are Important In Islam?

Seeking Allah's Mercy

Qul HuwaAllahu Ahud!
Walikum Assalam: Sis.

That's what we hope and look for. After having been reverted we find all aspects of Deen in present scenario to be just theoretical,stings like barbs of honey bee.


Asalamoalaikom wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh

IN most cases yes. but not all. It is sad but I don't agree when we say it that way. Because as Allaah said a group will always stick to the truth. We may not live anywhere near that group but they exist.

I'm hoping to get enough strength to get myself such a group around me. Inshaa'Allaah I need to see some "real" practice to keep going on strong. It really gets depressing sometimes.

May Allaah straighten our affairs. Don't despair akh. I know being a revert you end up in a more tougher situation but then again Allaah says:

"And never give up hope of Allah's soothing Mercy....(12:87)

*I've been spreading that ayah quiet a lot. I think I'm just doing it to remind myself of it's message first and foremost.*