Will I go to hell?


Junior Member

My name is Rinon and I am from Japan though now I am live in England. Sorry if my English is bad sometimes. I am here as I am hoping to find answer to big question I have need to answer. Please forgive me if I am make any mistake. I am can not find anywhere that is good for ask question so I am will ask it here. When I was 13 my father is move to Afghanistan for work. My mother had passed away so when he moved there he was also bring me and my grandmother there. It was much hard for me to get used to as I was not even able to understand much of what people said. I was only knowing Japanese and small English then and no one other than my family could understand my Japanese and there was not much English knowing but there was also much things that I liked. The food was very nice. I had been live there 2 years when there was attack on car I am in with my father and grandmother. The car was stop and my father was take out of car. They were take money from my father but he did punch to one of the men. My father is shoot dead and I am in car frozen with my grandmother. They are take us from the car and they are shoot my grandmother also. The men is take the car with me inside it to there home. There I am met old man name Baset who is speak some English. He is take me into his home and does sex to me. He is also teaching to me about Islam. During the day he is go out and his wife is make me do chores. I ask his wife to please help me to leave and stop Baset from do sex to me but she is said that they are saving me from going to hell and now I am will get to go to paradise. When he is come back he does sex to me and teach me more. A year ago while he is gone out there is attack there and I am rescue. I am now stay with my Aunt in England. The things I am want to know now is am I a Muslim now? Will I go to paradise? Will I go to hell if I am not go back to Baset? The main reason this is big question for me now is Baset has been contact to me and told me I am must go back to him or I am will be end up in hell after I am died. I am not want to be go to hell I am want to go to paradise. Do I have to go back to not be going to hell?

Abu Fauzi

Junior Member
Peace to one and all,
Your's above refers. There are some few vital things you did not say, which may help anyone answering your question. For example, you did not state as to whether you are now a Muslimor not. I hope you are a Muslim. When Mr. Baset had sex with you, was it because he was your husband, did you marry him or was he having unlawful sex with and by force? And if he married you, was the marriage made as Islam allowed: with dawry paid to you and your folks (parents, or recognized next of kins) agreeing to the marriage? If you were his wife, then that is valid for him to sleep with you, if not, then that was/is illegal and he will account for that in the life Hereafter.. and you will not be taken to task for it because you were forced to have illegal sex, and should you not co-operate at that time Baset amy kill you. If you are legally his wife, then find a way to go back to him if you love him or seek a divorce in a religious court of Law.
2. I suggest that if you are a Muslim, find a Teacher of Islam near you, discuss this further with him or her and also be educated on other aspects of the Religion of Islam.
3. Best Regards.


Junior Member
Thank you for taking the time to write to me. I am sorry that my post was not clear on detail for you. I am was not state if I am now a Muslim or not because I am not know the answer. It was one of the things I am was hoping to find out here. I was raised in the Shinto religion but am I now a Muslim after being with Baset this many years and with him having taught me? I am was not married to Baset but he was say that the reason he was could do sex to me was because I am was daughter of man who was doing war to Islam and that I am was taken as prisoner from war and was given to him as slave. He was do sex to me by force but he was say it was allowed. Although I am was never willing to do the sex I am was submit and was even have many orgasm from when he did the sex to me which his wife was say is because I am fulfill my purpose. In this circumstance would I am be going to hell if I am not return to him?
I am have also thought of seeking advice from a Teacher of Islam as you suggest but I am had made mistake of tell to my Aunt the thought I am had of maybe needing to go back to Baset and now she is watch what I am do very close. Since the loss of my father and grandmother in the sad circumstance she has taken to blaming not the individuals who are kill them but all of Muslims. I am pray that she finds a way to lose this hatred. It is for this reason that I am trying to find the answer online but though I am have read much my wisdom is lacking to find the right answer. Somethings I am read make it seem as though I am Baset's property and must return but others that it is not true in this modern time. Wouldn't it be true no matter what year we are live in though? I am hope you or someone else here can help me find the correct answer or possibly point me to a Teacher of Islam I am could get in touch with on internet for guidance on this matter.
Thank you again for taking the time.


Junior Member
Thank you for writing to me Starjade. I am still trying to figure out what is the right thing to be doing. I am still not have much knowing of Islam but if my Father had been invade on Muslim land and was fighting against Muslims there when he is killed is it not allow for them to take me as slave? I am cannot seem to find a yes or no answer anywhere. It looks to me as though it is allowed for them and I am could be going to hell if I am not return to my owner.


Junior Member
Hello again Starjade thanks for talking to me again

I am have some confusion from your post. Is it meaning that Islam is incorrect religion?


Junior Member
Thanks for writing again Starjade

Is it meaning that Islam is correct except the parts from Muhammad and so I am should not be slave to Baset because the allowing of having slaves was come from Muhammad?


Junior Member
Thanks for writing again Starjade

I think you are maybe trying to steer me away from Islam so I should maybe not be listening to you.


Junior Member
You asked the questions and I simply answered them. You make your own choices in life and with those choices you are the one who must deal with that decision. It makes no difference to me either way. As you object to the words of wisdom I have written then at least I shall remove them and not return to your thread.
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Abu Juwairiya

Junior Member
May Allah make life easier for you. May Allah help you in every way.

I hope you find the answers you are looking for and may Allah make you stronger both from what you have been through and what is ahead.