woman in christinity and in islam


Junior Member
salam alikom dear sister

as everybody konw this humanity without islam worth nonthing letalone woman.
thanks so much for this nice thread may allah reward u jannat alfirdous inshallah ..

wa jazaki allah kol khair.

salam alikom


New Member


i was christianed as a child and whilst i don't follow my religion and i've never really read anything on it i have never ever heard of such things being said in the bible, we were only taught about love and peace and Jesus..... i'm shocked that such things are written in a book which is supposed to be holy and represent peace, love and fairness... how horrible. That has really made me think twice about what religion I want to be and how society can blind people from the real truth while constantly trying to make people think that women in Islam and constantly beaten and ruled.

Thanks for this post, it's hit me hard!:hijabi:



Junior Member

Thank you very much for providing this realllyyyyyy awesome information.

In high school i read a book (dont remember its title) in which it was said that THE WOMEN IS THE MULE OF THE MAN (some crap like this).

After reading that book i was constantly looking or developing an article (i was not a member of tti at that time) which compares the western WOMEN OR christian ...to the MUSLIMA. Unfortunately because of the time limitations i was unable to do that plus i forgot about this.....:shymuslima1:
There has been so many time in which i needed such info....

But alhamdolilah now this task has been done...and now i have opportunity to share this knowledge with my non Muslim friends.

Thank you very much for that...