

New Member
Dear Brother & Sisters :salam2:,

My main purpose of this post is that i am really worried now a days. I moved to another country for better prospoectus and looking for job desperately. I am looking for a job for almost 6 months now and still didnt even get a chance. I am just really worried before i dont use to pray that much, but i started praying and always pray to Allah "inshallah i will get a job".I dont know what is happening, I am currently looking for a job in IT sector. Everywhere rejection is on my way.
Please brother's and sister's help me out, tell me anything which i should read any surah from Quran to get a "Rizk " or some sort of income is started.I am just really worried, no money rejection on my ways and health problem as well.

Inshallah i will wait for your reply




Insha'Allah the brothers and sisters on this site will give you the hope you need.
You are correct. You must put all your trust in Allah subhana talla. Often when we have our heart set on something and it seems forever..it is a good time to grow in your faith. That is the gift of this time.
Worry does not help us. So take the time to count your blessings. Thank Allah subhana tall for all His Favors bestowed on you. As you make supplication ask Him to guide you.
We too often think that a job is the only cause for living..and it is not. Working is a noble venture. However, there are periods in your life when your life-work is more than a job.

And yes, Insha'Allah I will make dua that you find employment soon.

Patience & preserverance. Allah does not place a burden on a individual greater than it's soul can bear. Everyone has their test.

As far as professional advice, have you had someone proof-read your resume? You can send it to me and I'll be more than happy to see if it needs revision. Where do you live? Where do you look and apply? What's your education background?

Have you tried looking at your daily newspapers, monster.com, craigslist.com, attend city job fairs. You need to build a network with people. Talk to people. Talk to Muslims. If you're in the states, you can probably file for 9 month unemployment compensation. You'll get a check every month.

Only Allah knows what is best for you.


Make dua for us all
Asalamo Alaikom brother

i think brother TheHumbleWun gave you a good advise...

don't be so sad about it, economy now is bad everywhere... keep in mind that you'll earn every penny that's written for you before you die... if i may suggest, open your choices widely. open your choices wider than IT field... you can start even with a minimum wage salary until you find a better job...

May Allah give you patience and give you a wide halal risque :salah:


ancient one
Asalaamu Alaikum ...to the brother who is seeking advice ..inshallah if you are finding no work in your field then may I suggest you start up a job in this field from home ...I am not sure of what country you have gone ,but here in Canada home based buisnesses are growing both from on the internet and from local ..other wise I along with others can only tell you to be patient ,some times you just need some help in marketing yourself and this I am sure many here could help you with . I hear often from many they go to interviews and dont get looked at twice ,sometimes because they are muslim and other times because they just did not come across strong enough . I can suggest when you send some one your resume that you also include a cover letter ,in this you should introduce yourself and allow companies to know who you are and what you are all about .But no matter what, as was said in another post be patient as Allah only gives burdens of which we can handel . good luck and may Allah bless upon you all that you seek and need Ameen


Junior Member


I don't know in which country you are trying to find employment...may be if you send me some details I can be of some help.



New Member
:salam2: brothers & sisters,
Firstly thanks to all of you who read my post and reply. I moved to united-kingdom and looking for an IT job. As one of the brother said in the post that look at the "monster.com", i posted my cv to almost most of the employment agencies i am not getting good replies.I am just trying my best and inshallah :tti_sister: i will find a job. I hope some of you brothers & sisters know any versus from Quran which i should read or any nafal namaz for the job.
I am really happy that you Brother's took time for me to reply me and i thanks to all of you from my heart.

Salaaam akhi,

Thank both the brothers and sisters. Just wanted to stress this one more time, have someone else check your resume and cover letter. The internet has plenty of examples and templates you can follow. Use shaykh ibn Google. Make sure you don't have any spelling mistakes and use strong verbs. It really helps when someone else looks at your resume, you'll get a different view & feedback which will be vital for your employement search.

Best wishes on your career endeavors.

May Allah give you sucess both in this life & the hereafter.


New Member
Dear Brother & Sisters :salam2:,

My main purpose of this post is that i am really worried now a days. I moved to another country for better prospoectus and looking for job desperately. I am looking for a job for almost 6 months now and still didnt even get a chance. I am just really worried before i dont use to pray that much, but i started praying and always pray to Allah "inshallah i will get a job".I dont know what is happening, I am currently looking for a job in IT sector. Everywhere rejection is on my way.
Please brother's and sister's help me out, tell me anything which i should read any surah from Quran to get a "Rizk " or some sort of income is started.I am just really worried, no money rejection on my ways and health problem as well.

Inshallah i will wait for your reply


walekum salam

im not really sure how i can help you, but all i can say is that this is probably a test, just be patient, keep praying, making dua, and be persistent (listen/read the story of noah (pbuh)) just keep applying for as many jobs as possible and inshallah allah (SWT) will guide you to the right job! and if theres one thing ive learnt from being tested is that all tests and struggles lead to a great outcome and rewards. plus ask your local islamic community for support, i think you'll be surprised at how willing your local muslim community will be to help you out.

may allah (SWT) guide us all on the straight path...ameen