
I'm not what you believe
Here is the tale of a broken heart.
There were two really in love creatures,everybody was jalous of them,
they used to spend altogether each second,it was so a good,good time....
It seemed their love would never end
but they sadly had to separate,
when one day Allah took the soul of one of them.
There was no peace for that broken heart,
the beloved cried at the deathbed of her sweetheart.
Days ran one after another like nothing had happened,
but there was still a loss into the heart of that one who was so devote and pious;
there was nor sunny day,neither a good word
to change the frustration into surrender,
she couldn't accept that Allah had chosen just her dearest one.
She felt lost,empy and lonely.
But,one day a breaking news was shown on tv:
the so loved man for whom she would have died,
was a lier,betrayer and a killer.
She couldn't believe to those words,
but suddendly a sentence which she ignorated until now jumped into her mind,
Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'uun.
Now her heart is in peace,'cause Allah knew what was better for her,to be really happy.
Now,would you accept with surrender
a loss like this,or would you wait for a proof?

P.S.this is only a reminding poem,nothing is really happened!;)



Junior Member
Imam al-Hasan al-Basree (rahimahullah) said:“O son of Aadam! Sell your current life for your latter life, and you will win both. Do not sell your latter life for this life, for you will lose them both. The period of stay is short, and the righteous ones went away before you, so what are you waiting for? Do you wait your turn? By Allah, it is about to come, and then the latter ones will join the former ones amongst you.”
[At-Tabseerah, vol. 1, p.368