Would you pay your zakat online ???


Junior Member
Assalam alakum

Would you pay your zakat online, maybe to an organization where they feed poor people, give them clothes and other charity works ?

Or would you be doubtful and say '' i cant know if they they will really spend it on right time to right place so i dont want it.''

I mean, are we really supposed to see that our money has been spent right way on what we intended?

Or as long as our niyyah is clear that we sent the money to organization and expect them to do their job well, there is no problem even if your money doesnt reach to right place ?


Smile for Allah

Brother, we need to research who we're sending the money to - there might be many online scams where they take zakah from people but don't distribute it. However, there also exist many good reliable online charity sites - Islamic Relief USA is one of them. They have a huge website where every detail is explained.. they send you confirmation emails, newsletters telling how the money is spent, paper statements, everything. So once you confirm that where you are sending the money is reliable, it shouldn't be a problem if its an online website. The rule is - do your best in trying to find out who you're sending money to is reliable. Try and contact others who send money to them, talk to the company themselves... and then if you're satisfied, go ahead with it. But if it feels doubtful, I would advise not to send them anything.


Junior Member
Walakumsalam, thanks for your answer.

Are there any other's except Islamic Relief. Just to have more options and to be able to choose among them, it would be nice to know more reliable organizations


Asaalaam aliakum,

As there is no practice of a fundamental in Islam the Bayat Amal anymore we have many a sister who is in need. Why not give money to your local masjid and ask that the money be given to the sister who has to humble herself. There are masjids in the US that give out a little zakat on the Eids. We do not like to discuss such issues but they exist. And there is a real need.

Yes, we have charity organizations that are in need of donations but we also have the quiet ones that are desperate. Sometimes the ones closest to you are suffering the most.