Yoga - How do you look at it!


Junior Member
Assalaamu Alaikum warahmathullaahi wabarakaathuhu

Dear brothers and sisters,

Here is a news item which of course calls for a healthy discussion.

The Malaysian fatwa council rules against YOGA. In my opinion, as I heard there are some chanting during practicing YOGA, this practice even though it helps to keep physical health we should avoid it. The reason why I opine is that it leads to the one who practice to keep him away from normal life.

If anyone who practice YOGA can come and explain about this and tell us about this from A to Z so that we could get ourselves enlightened.

The lead is:



Yoga comes from Hindu religious ritual, so if you're doing the chanting and all then obviously it wouldn't be appropriate for Muslims to get involved in it. Plus Yoga requires very tight clothes and I'm not sure how it is carried out in Malaysia but here in the States men and women are in the room stretching and doing different poses that wouldn't be appropriate for a brother and a sister to witness int he same room.

However, if some does Yoga in the privacy of their home or with a group of girls with a female teacher without the chanting stuff, then I just see it as exercise.

I mean stretching isn't Haram lol.

Allah knows best



Yoga? Try Pilate.

Yoga comes from Hindu religious ritual, so if you're doing the chanting and all then obviously it wouldn't be appropriate for Muslims to get involved in it. Plus Yoga requires very tight clothes and I'm not sure how it is carried out in Malaysia but here in the States men and women are in the room stretching and doing different poses that wouldn't be appropriate for a brother and a sister to witness int he same room.

However, if some does Yoga in the privacy of their home or with a group of girls with a female teacher without the chanting stuff, then I just see it as exercise.

I mean stretching isn't Haram lol.

Allah knows best



xSharingan01x has somehow explain it. I use to tried Yogo few years back while working out in a fitness club. Honestly,
I find it to be boring. To explain better, there are many type of Yogo. E.g Hatha(ancient),Ananda(basic),Asana & Pranayama(de-stress) and lots more. The higher the level in yogo the more you will find traces of Hinduism & chanting of hindu scripture.

There are numerous website on yoga & its origin. During my time with the club the reason why i tried yoga was the babes!
Hahahaaa..... Well, i was single at that time. Now I'm happily married with children and i have successfully develop love handles and a pot belly.

To do yoga or not to do depends to you. There should be a men only or ladies club. Btw, please avoid advance yoga due to the chanting. Floor mat pilates is an alternate to yoga. Pilates are modern type of stretching exercise which uses machines. Well you can google it to find out more.

:salam2: I dont think yoga is unislamic. yes if you meditate thinking of a hindu god then it is wrong. But other then that there is nothing that is unislamic. As far as the names of the poses are concerned downward facing dog lollllllllll. Well there are some called shive Asana. You can call it anything.I feel it is just plain simple exercise


Junior Member
Was reading in newspaper that Malaysian shariah coucil banned yoga practise, and gave fatwa that its not permissible.


Junior Member
Allah The Most High says:
Who have believed and whose hearts have rest in the remembrance of Allah. Verily in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest! (QS. Ar Rad: 28)

We don't need yoga, just do salah and dzikir then you'll find rest in your mind.
Imam Ash-Shaafi'ee said:
((Knowledge is that which benefits, not that which is memorised))

Siyar A'laam an-Nubalaa. - Volume 10, Page 89


Junior Member
YOGA is a disbeliever's way of relaxation.. so why would we muslims do Yoga when we have Dua and prayers.


قل هو الله أحد
I've never done it and don't exactly feel like I'm missing something important in life. If I hd the time I'd read & memorize more Qura'an.

I accept it is a personal choice, but since there is fatwa, I don't think you can go on "discussing" the issues without knowledge.


Junior Member

I've never done it and don't exactly feel like I'm missing something important in life. If I hd the time I'd read & memorize more Qura'an.

I accept it is a personal choice, but since there is fatwa, I don't think you can go on "discussing" the issues without knowledge.

Whatever new deeds are introduced and whenever those deeds are encroaching the Islaamic Ummah it should be discussed. Yes, there is a Fatwa. Still the fatwas should be according to the Qur'an and the Authentic Ahadith. Here, in this fatwa it is clear that YOGA came into being through HINDU practices like SUFIIS are doing chanting Dhikr like Allaahu, Allaahu little later HUU Allaa, HUU Allaa and little more later HUU, HUU, HUU with a physical action of what the Jews do beside the weeping wall.

I feel that the Fatwa is given after a thorough study of YOGA.

I opened the thread in order to enlightened my brothers and sisters in TTI. That was my intention. May Allaah accept our good deeds and protect all of us from bad deeds.



Blessed Muslimah
Asalamu alaykum brothers and sisters

I also think its good to discuss issues that affect our ummah and i was not aware that yoga was wrong but i kinda guessed due to all the chanting..
i did a beginers class once but there was no chanting just stretching and poses but i think if chanting was included its wrong i no longer do yoga because i find it boring and slow pace but its origin is from hinduism so i would just stay away from that altogether, Allah knows best and there are plenty other exercises that we can do to keep fit without it being a bidah or shirk.:astag:

wa salam


Servant of Allah
i took a gym class which was about yoga. and we did yoga but we didn't do the mmmmmmmm sound thing. we just stretched those really awkward painful stretches. but i loved it. it made my body feel good and not so sore. asalamu alaykum.
ps: however if they are doing that sound thing then maybe those who are sending out the fatwa are right.


Junior Member
aselemu aleikum

i heard the same thing on the radio yesterdaynight...kinda ironic.. they said it could lead to corruption of our islam..and i can see why al does bring as whole lot of extra nonsens that clashes with islam

why would i yoga myself crazy some people practice yoga an hour a day /././when they could just simply make whudoo and pray 2 rak3aat in 10 minutes AND FEEL LIKE A the most happiest and secure person on this world


Junior Member
if it is healty for body it is good for health.

It doesnt matter what culture it comes from. Eat the grape dont ask the graveyard owner.


Junior Member
if it is healty for body it is good for health.

It doesnt matter what culture it comes from. Eat the grape dont ask the graveyard owner.


Islaam is a way of life. Every action has a guidance in Islaam. We cannot take anything from anywhere without knowing what exactly it is.

Islaam is the religion completed by Allaah for the Mankind. Allaah took charge of protecting Islaam until the day of resurrection. He guided us what to do and what not to do. Simple.
