Your help is greatly needed


New Member
Salaams my dear brothers and sisters.

My family have been living in New Zealand for 12 years now.
My brother and I have grown up here.
The thing is,he has fallen into the wrong crowd,hes only 16 and my parentals are at the point of giving up.
He stays out all night,sometimes not coming home for days.
I suspect hes using drugs along with drinking.

I hate to see the look on my parentals faces when they worry about him.
My brother and I use to be so close,now he wont even say S.Alaykum to me...
its rather sad and i have no idea what to do,nor do my parents.
I would apperciate it if i good get some advice.

JazakAllah Khair


Junior Member

Assalamu alikum

I hope you and your family are well by the grace of Allah. I pray that your brother comes back to the straight path. Don't despair, always remember that Allah is there. Try to reassure your parents that insha'Allah your brother will become a better Muslim. Have faith in him, make du'a for him, and if you can - try to talk to him. Remind him of Islam, and how much you care about him. Don't worry, keep hope alive, and put all your trust in Allah. For Allah loves those who put their trust in Him.

Keep praying hard, and keep giving your parents strength. Think positive - have faith that he will come back to Islam. And remember nothing is hard for Allah, for Allah can make the difficult easy if it be His will. And insha'Allah Allah will bring him back to Islam.

Hang in there. In my du'as.

Wa'alikum aslaam.


Junior Member
May Allah make your brother to the straight path of rightiousness and good doings. What I will do is remind him of the punishment of the hereafter and pray to god to show him the right way.


Muslim Unity...
in that situation you have to be patient inshallah and keep making dua to Allah i've experienced it and i am still May Allah make it easy for us all and guide us to the straight path Ameen
it is very sad :( Allah will help us all inshallah


New Member
Thanku all for your kind comments,inshAllah,i will try to remain positive and be patient.May Allah guide him to the right path,ameen.


Aslamu alaikum...

May Allah help u and ur family inshallah.

Always be positive to your brother and show him you care. He might be making you mad and is hurting you but themost important thing is that you don't change your attitude towards him. He will inshallah become better.

You do your part of the dawah brother Nd inshallah Allah will do HIS PART .

You put the seed In The soil and Allah will grow the plant.


Junior Member
brother i can feel and understand ur pain.
it happened with a cousin of mine..who went to study to NYU.
its like the sins eat up their soul till they dont recognize anyone not God not themselves.
but loose not hope.
these are the initial stages take a stand. in our case my cousins parents vacilated .he dropped out of college .his friends moved on.he started wandering in sri lanka.alost got caught up in a tsunami.and then south india ,yoga this that finally when they acted it was too late .he ended up in a rehab and came out of there vowing never to forgive his parents for what they had done to him.

so act way would be to let him do something in the way of Allah for thats best way to aspire for ALLAHS MERCY.



Junior Member
if u r from the subcontinent.i could suggest going for jamaat for a few days.maybe u cud sign up for a few days along with ur brother.


New Member
Its so hard...

Its like he doesnt even notice us.I feel like there is noway i can get through him.If i say as little as two words to him,he looks at me up and down,as if he hates me with a strong passion.

I just want to shake him and scream 'snap out of it!!'
subhanAllah,i know that sounds really bad ):


New Member
my parentals are thinking of sending him back to our home country.but i know thats not gonna help,hes just gonna end up with the wrong crowd again.and he needs the love and support of his family.


Junior Member
Dear brother

One of the reason, I believe, why I am only "good" now (was somewhat like your brother before) is because of the du'a others make for me. How do I know this? Because I just feel it, you know.

Especially my mother. For years she reminds me, advise me, never say unkind things to me. And I know she makes du'a for me. She reminds me about Allaah and I ignored her. But when it comes to doing something sinful, I would have her image at the back of my mind.

You should make du'a sincerely. Never tire giving him advise, but I hope you won't be patronising that will shut him off. And your mother's du'a will be the strongest. In sha Allaah.

Had you remind him everyday, at least even once, one day he will return to the path. :)


Junior Member
Its like he doesnt even notice us.I feel like there is noway i can get through him.If i say as little as two words to him,he looks at me up and down,as if he hates me with a strong passion.

I just want to shake him and scream 'snap out of it!!'
subhanAllah,i know that sounds really bad ):

Could this be because you are somewhat seen as the "better child" now? I understand wanting to shake him.. lool. Hope you have patience..


New Member
i do get what you mean about the 'better child' thing.
i guess that could be one reason why he is stiring away.

im guessing me CONSTANTLY reminding him of Islam,is not such a good a idea?

i dont do it in a 'ISTAQFURULAH,WHAT ARE YOU DOING!' way
i do try to be patient and calm about the whole sitiuation,its the fact
that he shows NO interest all that gets me at times.

should i just keep making du'ah for him and leave him alone?


Junior Member

No... you must not leave him alone. These things are a bit flimsy to describe. Alright I have a question for you - do you try to correct him in everything he does? I know we ought to, but when someone is like the way your brother is, even correcting one thing a week will be an annoyance for him.

Who does he listen to at home? You, mom or dad? I hope I can help you on this brother. Like I said, I had an attitude like his before. (And my BROTHER too is behaving that way now, but he listens to me, so I get a hold of the thorn sometimes.)

In sha Allaah.


New Member

i do try to correct him,but its so hard not to.
i certainly dont do it as much as i use to and not in a mean way.
all i do is simply remind him of Allah swt

i know reinforcing islam in harsh matter will drive him away even more.

he doesnt listen to anyone to be honest.specially not my father.
he sometimes tells my mom he'll stop what hes doing,but he only goes
behind her back.subhanAllah

InshAllah,may Allah guide him.


New Member
Anyways,i will turn the dile down a little.there are brothers in my comunity that are well educated in the 'deen' and still 'cool' :) inshAllah,i will try asking them to maybe hang out with him or something

good bless


Junior Member
Dear sister :salam2:
Never loose your love, patience and hope , i pray to Allah swt to guide us all to his way.


Junior Member
Anyways,i will turn the dile down a little.there are brothers in my comunity that are well educated in the 'deen' and still 'cool' :) inshAllah,i will try asking them to maybe hang out with him or something

good bless


Sis, what a great sister you are. Good personality matches "deen" and "cool".. Lol. Perhaps, just perhaps your brother's heart has turned hard as rock. It happens. I hope you will never lose hope, in sha Allaah....:tti_sister: