Recent content by Aboo00

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    combining two prayers togather

    Ya Habibi Hamza, The evidence for joining in the during rain or extreme weather is as follows: Narrated from Ibn `Abbâs: “Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) combined between the Dhuhr and `Asr prayers and between the Maghrib and `Ishâ’ prayers in Madinah without there being rain nor...
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    combining two prayers togather

    The majority of the scholars say that work is not a valid excuse to combine prayers as Allaah says, " Verily, the prayer is enjoined on the believers at fixed hours". (An-Nisaa 4:103) Combining is only allowed while traveling, when it rains (some scholars have included snow here), when...
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    Every Innovation is a Misguidance

    Great post
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    Can a Moslim go to a christian funeral

    Attending a non-Muslim neighbor's funeral: According to one hadith of the Prophet(pbuh)ralated by Tabarani regarding the rights neighbors it says: "The rights of the neighbor is that, when he is sick you visit him; when he dies, you go to his funeral;........" Since this hadith is talking...
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    Can a woman be immam(lead prayer) in Eid prayer of a women only jamat

    Eid prayer. Forgot to add that above
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    Can a woman be immam(lead prayer) in Eid prayer of a women only jamat

    Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen was asked: what is better for a woman, to come out to the Eid prayer or to stay at home? He replied: It is better for them to go out to Eid prayer, because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) enjoined that the women go out to the Eid prayer, even...
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    Can one respect state law even if in Contradiction to Sharia?

    Respecting and abiding by the law means those laws that do not conflict with the Sharee'ah or no clear text from the Sharee'ah exists to refute it. If no clear text exists then that would be a law you would have to obey. An example of this traffic signals. No clear text in the Sharee'ah...
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    the Crescent of Ramadan in the North america

    By the way, you can refer to Fatawa Lajnah Da'imah for full details on the topic
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    the Crescent of Ramadan in the North america

    Wa aliakum salaam wa rahmatullaahi wa barakatuhu This probably occurred because some have chosen to utilize calculations rather than an actual sighting. Out Islamic months are based on moon sightings and if the moon is not sighted then that month would be considered 30 days. The...
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    Biden assures voters Obama will protect Israel

    Are you surprised? No matter who is in office, America has an agenda. Every president will follow that agenda, democrat or republican. Do not be fooled by this whole democratic process. At the end of the day the US GOVT makes its own decisions. The whole voting thing simply looks good on...
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    Interesting Demographics

    Mirajmom, My post does not involve bashing Muslims. I think the first two sentences of my post outline my position clearly. I see that you are only here to bait me into a debate which is not going to happen. A forum is established so that opinions and personal experiences can be expressed...
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    Interesting Demographics

    Mirajmom A forum is established to share opinions. No one has belittled anyone here. We are merely pointing out what WE feel is fact and it would not be fair for you to dispel that because you do not agree. Be fair.
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    Interesting Demographics

    As Muslims we do not praise anything of glory that the Jews and Christians have because in reality their deeds shall turn to dust on the last day. Allaah says, "Labouring (hard in the worldly life by worshipping others besides Allâh), weary (in the Hereafter with humility and disgrace)"...