combining two prayers togather


Junior Member

I wasn't able to find a fatwa concerning combining these two prayers specifically but I did find this when concerning combining prayers..

What is the ruling on doing one prayer straight after the other? Because they delay for a while which may be considered to be an interruption between the two prayers when they join two prayers. What is the ruling on that?

Praise be to Allaah.
When joining prayers during the time of the first of the two prayers, they should be prayed one after the other. It is OK to have what is regarded as a short break between them, as it was proven that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) did that. And he (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Pray as you have seen me praying.” (Narrated by al-Bukhaari, Kitaab al-Adhaan, 631). The correct view is that the intention (niyyah) [i.e., having the intention to combine the prayers before starting the first prayer] is not a condition. But with regard to joining prayers during the time of the second of the two prayers, there is more leeway, because the second prayer is being performed at its right time. But it is better to pray them one after the other, following the example of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). And Allaah is the Source of strength.

Majmoo’ Fataawa wa Maqaalaat Mutanawwi’ah li Samaahat al-Shaykh al-‘Allaamah ‘Abd al-‘Azeez ibn ‘Abd-Allaah ibn Baaz (may Allaah have mercy on him), part 12, p. 295.


Junior Member
Hadeeth No. 1042 - Narrated Salim's father:

The Prophet used to offer the Maghrib and Isha' prayers together whenever he was in a hurry on a journey.

Hadeeth No. 1043 - Narrated Ibn Abbas:

Allah's Apostle used to offer the Zuhr and 'Asr prayers together on journeys, and also used to offer the Maghrib and 'Isha' prayers together.

Hadeeth No. 1044 - Narrated Anas bin Malik:

The Prophet used to offer the Maghrib and the 'Isha' prayers together on journeys.

sahih al bukhari.



New Member
The majority of the scholars say that work is not a valid excuse to combine prayers as Allaah says, " Verily, the prayer is enjoined on the believers at fixed hours". (An-Nisaa 4:103)

Combining is only allowed while traveling, when it rains (some scholars have included snow here), when there is extreme cold or heat, during battle, and when sick. All of this is with the exception of combining Jumu'ah and Asr as this is not permissible.


Your Sister In Islam
I'm guessing it's the same with school:( that it wouldn't be permissable to pray both prayers together?) but if you come home from school, and then pray salat el duhr. what about that? cause i don't think the school is going to offer me a room alone where i can pray, nor at work.

ahmad al magtani

Kulo Nuwun


I'm guessing it's the same with school:( that it wouldn't be permissable to pray both prayers together?) but if you come home from school, and then pray salat el duhr. what about that? cause i don't think the school is going to offer me a room alone where i can pray, nor at work.

The world is wide sis,pray anywhere you can as long as the place is clean(pure from hadats and Najis)

for combining prayer,it is only for I know

ahmad al magtani

Kulo Nuwun
maybe not exactly related but it close

In the Name of Allah, Most Merciful and Compassionate

assalamu `alaykum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh

I pray that this message finds you in the best of health and spirits. Scholars explain that there are only two valid reasons for shortening prayers: (1) travel (when it meets certain conditions) and (2) rain (when it meets certain conditions). "Difficulty in waking up" is not a reason that permits one to combine prayers.

The obligatory prayer is the greatest act of worship in Islam. Scholars say that, "the obligatory prayer is the best of all obligatory acts and the non-obligatory prayer is the best of all non-obligatory acts." The Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) said, "Whoever misses an `asr prayer, it is as if he has lost his family and wealth." (Muslim) This is a hadith that is worth reflecting on for a moment: let us all pause and imagine that we had lost all of our family and all of our wealth. What huge catastrophe!

It is easy to get lost in the rough and tumble of everyday life and let our prayer become a burden that needs to be quickly performed so that we can return to "more important things". The true value of our prayers will only be understood when we stand before Allah Most High in the next life, when we will regret every moment that we wasted and didn't spend in prayer.

Having understood the tremendous value of the prayer, it hopefully becomes easier to understand the great opportunity that one loses whenever one misses a prayer. Here are some measures you can take to make sure that you perform your prayers on time:

(1) Organize the remaining 11 hours of the day around your prayers. Whenever there is a long period of time in between prayers, get to bed immediately and don't waste your time doing anything else.

(2) It is actually possible to "seemingly" join any two prayers in any of the four schools of Islamic Law. The way to do this is to wake up shortly before one prayer time expires, perform the prayer before the exiting of the time, wait a couple of minutes until the entrance of the next prayer time, perform that prayer immediately, and then get back to sleep. Effectively, this is just like the "actual" joining of prayers. The only difference is that you don't have flexibility in picking the time to join prayers.

(3) If you have days off in between night shifts, use the extra time you have during those days to get some extra sleep so that you can function with a little less sleep in the coming difficult days.

Scholars mention that "whoever leaves something for the sake of Allah, Allah replaces it with something better." In-sha'Allah your commitment to the obligatory prayer will bring you unexpected benefits in this life before the next life, and you will find that Allah Most High will place his blessing and acceptance in everything that you do while you are awake.

And Allah Most High knows best.


And Allah Most High knows best.



New Member
Ya Habibi Hamza,

The evidence for joining in the during rain or extreme weather is as follows:

Narrated from Ibn `Abbâs: “Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) combined between the Dhuhr and `Asr prayers and between the Maghrib and `Ishâ’ prayers in Madinah without there being rain nor fear.” [Sahîh al-Bukhârî (510) and Sahîh Muslim (1151)]

The hadîth indicates by implication that it is permitted to combine between these prayers on account of rain. This is also something that was accepted by the Companions.

Sheikh Ibn Baaz (rahimahullah), in his notes on Fath al-Bârî, writes: "The best way to view the hadîth is to understand that the Prophet (peace be upon him) combined between the said prayers particularly that day for some hardship, whether it was sickness, extreme cold, mud or something else. Ibn `Abbas, when he was asked about the reason for combining prayers, said it was to remove hardship from the people, which is a proper and correct answer." [Fath al-Barî, (2/24)].

Ibn Taymiyah writes about the hadîth of Ibn `Abbaas: “It indicates that prayers are combined on account of fear and rain.”

He also writes: “It is also permitted to combine prayers on account of severely muddy ground conditions and fierce, cold winds on a dark night, and other comparable conditions, even if rain is not coming down at that time. This is according to the most correct of the two views expressed by the scholars.” [Majmû` al-Fatâwâ (24/29)]