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  • Assalamu'alaikum!


    Happy Ma'al Hijrah
    1434' Hijrah to you and your family,


    ~May year 1434 H bring prosperity and wonderful most beautiful to all muslims~Amin!
    ~May Allah swt help,protect and guide all muslims~Amin!

    Take Care!
    ~Wassalam :)

    Sister almanar,

    Happy Eid'il fitri Al Mubarak
    To you
    and your family.
    With Very Best wishes from:
    your sister in Islam

    Take care!
    ~Wassalam :)
    Sister almanar,


    Happy Ramadhan Al Mubarak
    To you
    and your family.

    With Very Best wishes from:
    your sister in Islam

    Take care!
    ~Wassalam :)
    Asalamo`Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Baraakaatuh,

    Sister almanar,


    Happy Eid'ul Adha Al Mubarak
    To you and your family.

    ~Best wishes from:
    your sister in Islam
    Take care!
    ~Wassalam :)

    Sister almanar,

    Happy Eid Al Mubarak
    To you and your family.

    ~Best wishes from:
    your sister in Islam
    Take care!
    ~Wassalam :)

    Sister almanar,
    Happy Ramadhan Al Mubarak
    To you and your family.
    Best wishes from:
    your sister in Islam
    Take care!

    Dearest Sister almanar,

    ~May Allah swt blessed upon you
    And Your Family~Amin!

    Take Care!
    ~Wassalam :)


    Happy Ma'al Hijrah
    1432' Hijrah~2010'/2011' Masihi.
    To you sister .

    This New Year,
    May Allah swt shower with full of blesses upon all muslim~Amin!

    Thank you,
    Take Care!
    ~Wassalam :)

    Sister Almanar ,
    Alhamdulillah! :)
    Happy Eid ul Adha Al Mubarak
    To you and your family.
    Best wishes from:
    your sister in Islam

    ~Wassalam :)
    Thanks :) , you are welcomed
    Studying dentistry is exciting , i actually found it interesting but i think it needs to be more enhanced & improved in arab region specially in field of oral medicine ( i am egyptian )
    I have not yet experienced studying last year :D , it is still 2 months to begin the following semester :D but i hope it will run well ISA but of course i am happy to be near to graduation lol
    I am studying in suez canal university in egypt
    where are you from ?
    it's hard. i just want u to make du'aa. it's about ideas that make me tired thinking about them. may Allah bless u sis.
    :salam2:wa rahmatullahi wabarakatuhu
    i'm fine are you??
    Oh my sister!!don't cry.may ALLAH sobhanuhu wa taa'la help you and keep you happy.of course sister i'm here for you inshallah.plzz don't be sad.inshallah i will.
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