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  • assalamulaikum sis
    thank you so much for nice welcome , its really feels nice to be back with my brothers and sister , i wish and pray that ur always happy sis , may allah swt bless u with happy life ameen
    YA ukhti i'm gald to see your VM its been ages since i saw you online:)i'm fine alhumdulillah:)and my studies are going fine too mashallah.......

    it's no big deal sis ofcourse i remembered you.......i mean who wudn't:)may ALLAH help you cope with your obligations.ameen

    wasalamoalaikom wa rahmatullah wa barakatuhu
    Salam sister, i got my fan fixed, it was just dirty >.< are you?
    Me and brother ayman was talking about the ghayb (beyond) and my aspiration...and well yeah :) take care sister, love ur bro sultan :D :hearts:
    assalamualikum sis how ru , i hoep ur fine and thank you so much for nice thread , may allah bless u ameen :)
    Salam sister, i'd like you to check out some of my new threads, also my PC hasn't been fixed yet...its usable but the sound is annoying and i don't want it to break :(..but how are you sister :) all good?
    i can not explain how i feel really:)may ALLAH bless you with HIS endless mercy.may HE protect you from any harm or sadness that may come in your path here or hereafter.may HE beautify your imaan and give you hidaya and may this dua be acceped for you,me and all my family and all muslims.ameen thummameen.#

    jazakallah khaira ukhti for everything....and i mean all that you gave me:)may you have more:)
    yeah sis she ws here from TTI she became my friend long after you guys gave me your love...she requesed me....and later gave me her email ID.considering i didn't ask her any of these i unno wha made her doubtme:(i know what you mean in trying again.....but sis i'm afriad to scare her away,coz she thinks of me as a stalker right!!!being tooo persuasive....i dunno it may make her think i really am some guy......amd that i want her in talking terms with me......well i thought the bes way is o give her a chance.....
    if she feels safe she is welcome to be my friend again......and i'll have nohing against her.........i have no problem telling one my best sisters about anything;)but i dunno how she'll feel about it........i'll PM you who it was but i think she wudn't feel that gr8 about her well.......let's say stupidity:)
    i'm fine's gr8 to see our writings!!!:)everytime i read one of your kind replies i feel happy inside:) are soooooo special mashallah.....
    hope your exams will go on gr8!!!
    no sis sadly the whole thing is still going on.......i never tried to contact her again....:(you know she just told me never to send her an email.....she said she won't be replying to any........i sent her one after she told me that.explain myself as best as i cud but she never replied:( i decided to let her fine up to you........coz i dunno sis but how can i enjoy talking to someone who don't trust me:('s no use talking to someone when she/he constantly thinks i'm are lying........and it hurts tooo:(
    well i've out it past me now.......lookin a head is better and trust me ALLAH never let go of you when you know you are being blamed for something that you never did......see she broke up with me.......and three other sisters made up with me:):):)i'm thankful to ALLAH.....HE is very merciful.may HE forgive us all for our mistakes and misunderstandings.ameen:)

    yeah you got that right being around good ppl is a true blessing of ALLAH:)shkran ALLAH.

    i'll pray for you inshallah.

    love you sister.:hearts:

    jazakallah for ur duas,

    'Ahabbakal-lathee 'ahbabtanee lahu.

    May He for Whose sake you love me, love you. :SMILY34::SMILY34::SMILY34:

    walaikum salam wa rahmatuALlahi wa barakatuhu Dear sister thank u for asking, Alhumdulilah everthing is btter now im in canada :) sorry haven't been able to reply hope u can forgive me
    please remember me in ur duas inshallah taala
    JazakAllah khair for asking again
    how are yu ukhti.:)how your hifz going:)...jazakallah kahira for all those wonderful replies sis....means alot to me:hearts:
    this whole thing was sooo tiring.....i wudn't have brought it up but i required answers to my questions......well everybody thought i was trying to seek help how to make up with my sister........

    it's gr8 place this TTI:)so many ppl rush to your aid when you need it.i'm thanful to ALLAH for all this......for blessing me with wonderful sis;)when i was sooooo in trouble trying to fit in with the girls around me....for a girl like me this place is WONDERFUL:p
    make dua for me ukhti....
    haykallah wa barakallah fik:):):)
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