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  • As-salaamu `alaykum

    Sister, nobody affirms a 'madkhali' sect from the scholars as far as I'm aware. Rather there are those who have issues when it comes to dealing with people, and we warn against their behavior and don't condone their material on this site, generally speaking. However, they're on the `aqeedah of ahl us-Sunnah but have extremism with them. They are not as severe as the Shi`a, Jahmis and Sufis who often crash themselves into shirk and kufr.

    With all respect, I only directed the issue of Al-Barbahari to you. When I spoke of other issues they were general and not for you. So you need not to burden yourself by replying to everything I say.

    When we are getting hypothetical and making notes on irrelevant parts of a post, like I said, it strays the thread. One can look at all the closed threads and useless arguments and see how people start quoting people and replying to everything they say. This is what I mean.

    Baarak Allaahu feeki.

    Yes here is another senario, say if this girl (be it non-muslim or muslim) asks you to come to her house to hang out, would i be doing something wrong if i went over? She is just a friend so why? Also say in a dorm at university, what happens if your roommate is of the opposite gender?
    Assalamu alaykum

    Awww that is such a beautiful card MashaAllah! As beautiful as you :hearts:

    Thank you dear, may Allah give you the best in both worlds, and may He give you all that you want and even better! Ameen!! :tti_sister:

    Oh, but i mean why though? Like what if we can control our "lust" and still have Allah in our minds, we still can't communicate? :(
    Salam Sister, is it wrong to talk to females on TTI? Just wondering, like we are all brothers and sisters and yes i talk to and hang around girls in school, and yeah but im a nice guy and I treat and respect them, don't worry i don't go do illegal things :lol: but i just don't get why some cultures don't allow even that :(
    Regarding this forum, I am thinking of shutting my mouth all together because it does not make sense to voice your opinion, if somebody else scrutinizes the content, if it is within the bounds of salafiat. If they always have to delete everything, which even slightly deviates from the views of their sect, then there is no sense in loosing my time here. I want to turn to Islam and not to a sect, to whom every other muslim is either kafir or bid'ati. The difference between Salafis here and Takfiris killing us in Pakistan is, that there they are willing to kill you and here they are generous enough not to kill you but they behave with you, as if you were a kafir.
    Assalamu Alaikum dear sister,

    Alhamdulillah, I and my family are fine and hope the same about you. The news from me is, that I have recently got to know an iranian in my city's mosque, who was born as a shi'a and then later converted to be sunni. Once I recited following she'r of Rumi and asked him to correct my pronounciation:

    دست ہر نا اہل بیمارت کند
    سوےمادر آ کہ تیمارت کند
    The way I pronounced it, he couldn't even recognize it as persian :) He said, it must be afghan dari and we in iran speak only modern persian.

    Anyway, it was nice talking to him
    i love you you my sister for your help and patience with me.i did that the problem is solved.i didn't knew about it jazakallah khaira ukhti.
    keep me in your pious duas:)
    may ALLAH bless you for your help.ameen

    loving ya..
    :wasalam:wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu
    walaikom Assalamu allaykum wa raahmatullah
    sis your so sweet jazakallah khaira for your time.

    i'm fine alhumdulillah.keep me in your pious prayers:)yeah i got your VM.means that it works,i've been discussing the same with somebody else they say it's just that i can VM everybody but only my friends and contacts can VM me:(it's not fair.
    the sis is not on me friends list mayb that's why....may be i'll talk to a mod about it to see if it's true:)....
    jazakallah khaira again sis
    loving you....
    Inshallah Things are getting better and i hope all is well with you :) So where are you from? toronto here 17 age also how am i young? brothers here say im young?
    You are an amazing person, beautiful, talented and kind - hearted. I love you more than words can describe. I remember you, when you think I do not.

    I only wish I could see you, and sit with you, I will make du'a or you. I need you to know that I do love you, and care about you. You are my friend, my sister, the one who makes it better for me. I read your words with such pleasure and honour them in my heart. I pray that Allah lets your soul be with those whom He loves, and that He talks to you directly. Aameen.

    ur welcome my sis:D

    n thx for ur beautiful hearts:D........thx alot sis

    May Allah bless u too Ameen:)

    take care

    Asslam u Alaikum wrwb dear sis,

    I pray to Allah for you to be in the best of health and Eman. Jazaki allahu Khayran Kathira dear sis for such a heart touching and very nice message. May Allah reward you abundantly and grant you highest place in paradise.

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