Recent content by Bubbybobble

  1. B

    Islamic view point on Birth controle

    Interesting point. In fact, I think this plays a bigger role than people think. Even today, we have condoms, vasectomies, and several other forms of contrectption. But if it is willed for one to get pregnant, than it will happen. I think that's a way of forcing society to go with the natural...
  2. B

    Losing my faith

    Have you ever been in a dream and were so sure that you we're up until you were out of the dream? You can't prove anything in life exists, so scientists are not the ultimate source of authority. For one, they are biased. It just takes one piece of "evidence" that causes so called facts...
  3. B

    I just don't get it ....

    I just don't get why (allegedly) so-called Muslims would do things that hey know would make us look bad. I'm just not sure......I.....I'm at a lost. You know the stereotype yet you choose to do things that put a big target on our backs. I'm not even sure what to think anymore.What does killing...
  4. B

    Are you going to bring me tea or must I tell you to??

    I hope this is sarcastic. If not, WHAT THE HELL.
  5. B

    Is Islam the World's Largest Religion?

    Not yet. Christians are still bigger. But Muslims haven't exactly forced people to turn to their religion (slavery, etc)-at least on a large scale , so natural conversion takes time.
  6. B

    To my displeasure...

    Some arguments here really aren't concrete. Some issues like this can't be argued and you just simply say its part of the religion and is a rule. Otherwise trying to justify it will cause problems. Especially the worldly people. Make sure you have an argument (or a good rebuttal) for...
  7. B

    US Soldier opens fire on Afghan civilians

    Eh...usually it depends what area you are in. Some cities have a lot of Muslims. It's more or less the older generation (many have grown up during segregation) that is having these problems.
  8. B

    US Soldier opens fire on Afghan civilians

    American Muslim here and I get your point. The issue is nationalism/culuturalism. One thing I have observed is that if a "bad" Muslim does something, I notice a lot of people here will be at his defense. Like you said, the guy was condemed (of course one can argue if a Muslim did that...
  9. B

    What is so bad about having sex?

    That might be a dangerous path to follow. Who are you getting this information from? If you're doing just to follow bllindly in this case without using the brain you were given....then by that logic another person of another religion could do so to and it's not wrong. There's way too many...
  10. B

    What is so bad about having sex?

    Perhaps the logic that some people tend to think somehow that marriage automatically will make your life better in the long run when it necessarily does not. Some people do things the right way and in the end get burned. Happens all the time. Somehow we think, 'get married first, your life...
  11. B

    For when the unbelievers attack you with the '12 year old wife' argument - A one sentence response.

    Things have changed then. Adolescence actually goes until the age of 25 according to psych studies. The reason is because of the modernity of society. Kids go to school longer and focus on education more. We also live a lot longer. People like to use this as an attack, but society was different...
  12. B

    How is marriage half our deen?

    Think of the dynamics of it. The family could be stronger that way. It's a partnership. It's like if you graudate with an engineering degree and your spouse does to. Alone you would make about $60,000 (starting off), but together you make $120,000. Being married means you can have kids and raise...
  13. B

    Muslim men guilty over gay leaflets

    oh lord..... what country is this btw?
  14. B

    Exposing The High Priests of Evolution Excerpt:100 Reasons Why Evolution is So Stupid

    The problem with scientific theories/laws is that they don't stand the test of time. When tech evolves, it gives us a new light. Nothing is set. For example, if I put you all on mars right now you could jump much mars has its own set of rules. Science tries to use "evidence" which...
  15. B

    Exposing The High Priests of Evolution Excerpt:100 Reasons Why Evolution is So Stupid

    Um, that's a slippery slope there yet valid at the same time. Your evidence for this? The problem with this type of logic is that it would, too, add religion too. Technically, we don't know much of anything. History is written by those who won. Our entire history could be a fabrication based on...