As salaamu alaikum brother carpy321...... hope you are in best of health and faith
I am a brother from Bangalore, INDIA. i wish to help you with your language problem if thats okay with you...
my gmail Id is [email protected]
my msn id is [email protected]
my yahoo id is krackpotkikr*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!
please feel free to contact me on any of these messenger accounts.....
jazakallaho khairan.....
where is my passport = menu passport kitthe hai (punjabi)
where is the beach = samandar kinara kitthe hai (half punjabi)
ill be glad if i could be of any help to you brother.... regards
I am a brother from Bangalore, INDIA. i wish to help you with your language problem if thats okay with you...
my gmail Id is [email protected]
my msn id is [email protected]
my yahoo id is krackpotkikr*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!
please feel free to contact me on any of these messenger accounts.....
jazakallaho khairan.....
where is my passport = menu passport kitthe hai (punjabi)
where is the beach = samandar kinara kitthe hai (half punjabi)
ill be glad if i could be of any help to you brother.... regards