Recent content by EesaDevin

  1. E

    Über Musik, Gesang und Tanz

    Qur'an sagt gut genung dass Musik, Gesangen und Tanzen Haram sind.
  2. E

    Should I throw up after eating Haram foods (and) is Red #40 Haram?

    Perhaps one of us should email the Islamic Univeristy of Medina Al-Munawara and get a Better understanding Insha Allah.
  3. E

    Video After September 11 - Jewish And Catholic Women Become Muslim - AlJazeera

    bismillah al-rahman al-raheem, assalamu aalaikum, I must say that in my view and from what I have read is that Islam is it's own culture, and no other culture is compatible with Islam, not Arabic, pakistani,Iranian, american, Israeli or any culture is compatible with Islam, there is but one...
  4. E

    Cheetos, Doritos & Sunchips are Haram!!

    salamu aalaikum, They will never find alteritives, because " we do not make food for Muslims, we make food for the general Population which is pedominatley non-muslim so if they do like our food the way it is, then they shouldn't eat it" <-this is what I was told when I wrote a leter to slim jim...
  5. E

    Russian/American Revert to Islam

    :salam2: I'm a Russian/American revert to Islam looking for Muslim friends of perhaps( but not limted to) the same ethnic group:salam2: . :salah: