wa'alaikum asalaam, yeah we are only 4 days apart in age! That is nice that your mum came to visit- my mum stays in another country, since i got married and moved to england. its pretty lonesome down here and i dont know any muslims
Dear sister , I was late in writing the message of eid since I was busy with my family, but you are always in my heart. Wassalam alaikim wa rahmatu Allah wa barakatuh.
salam ,,hope your son feels better soon inshalla.. i guess its wiht the change in weather,,, even here my family have colds...but here still hot and sunny... take care deasr sister
whih part of italy do you live in???
dear sister.. ihave three sons...20 /17 /and almost 12... hamdilla
thankfully ilive in an islamic country so they have islamic education and environment...but still its not easy especially when they beome teenagers,,,and think thye know everything..are you living in morocco or italy dear