Asalamo`Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakaatuh,
Akh, hope you are well. It's my turn for "haha". You've been filling poor sister Aisya page with Vms for me?
I haven't read it, I'll reply when I read it. But err you got to stop writing on her wall for me. It may actually be bothering her.
So I did my reading:
To reply to this:
Salam alaykum sister Seeking Allah's Mercy!
I happened to see that you wrote about me haha, yes sadly it seems i can become immature at times, dont worry i dont consider what u wrote abt me as being 'backbiting'. But dont forget my brothers/sisters, I am open to advice, and theres no need to say sorry. If theres anything wrong with me, then tell me. I saw your other comments here too (i hope it doesnt bother you) about Shinqiti, and I want to tell you that shinqiti is already OFF the manhaj by the neo-salafis. Shocking? Yes i know!