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  • السلام عليكم كيف حالكم بخير ان شاء الله اتمنى لكم التوفيق و الفردوس الاعلى اللهم امين...Hello how are you okay, God willing, I wish you success and Supreme paradise Oh God, Amen
    Salam aleikum sister
    So nice to see you around.
    I am good alhamdullilah nothing new, hope you are good as well. And your family inshallah.
    ~~~~Our Lord ! grant us good in this world and good in the hereafter and save us from the torment of the Fire~~~~
    ~~~~Our Lord ,we believe ;therefore forgive us and have mercy on us ,for Thou art the best of the Merciful~~~~
    :hearts: Salam aleikum sister, nice to hear from you, hope your work is giving you satisfaction, inshallah. :muslim_child:
    Eid Mubarak sister, hope you are good. :)

    May Allah bring peace and happiness in your heart and of your family, on this Eid and always. : )
    Ameen summa ameen

    Wa aleikum salam
    Ramadan is going well alhamdullilah, how about yours ?

    may Allah bless you too.
    Wa allaicumu salam wa rahmatullah wa barakatuhu

    Wa iyyaki dear sister and Jazzak Allah khair for your kindness as well. Alhamdulillah I am well and everything is well on my side with help of Allah.

    I hope InshAllah you are also in the good state of health and eman and your family.:)

    Take care dear sister and may Allah protect you.Amen summa ameen

    Wa allaicumu salam dear sister

    Alhamdulillah, I am well with mercy of Allah.

    Jazzak Allah khair for your kindness for asking

    I hope InshAllah you are also well dear sister and your beloved family. :)

    wa aleikum salam my dear sister neighbour :SMILY139:

    Yes alhamdullilah all is good, i cant complain.
    May Allah preserve me and you in His Mercy. So happy to hear from you, hope you do well, inchallah. :hearts:

    هل ممكن ان يكون لنا اتصال بإخواننا السوريين الذين لجأوا الى الحدود التركية
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