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  1. W

    Hello I am new to here

    congratulation brother and may Allah give you all success and guidance in Islam, iam happy for you from my heart, you have alight from allah in your heart.
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    Hello I am new to here

    Salam Brother you can try very useful information and easy to use website about islam and new muslim brothers and sisters. may all mighty Allah give you guidance to the straight path. any there is very good news for all new muslims, Allah subhanho wataalla will replace...
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    Stories of women who became Muslim and left their kaafir husbands

    My advice for all sisters whom converted to islam and having non muslim husband, to use wisdom, and treat her husband with islamic behaviour , the behaviour of our prophet peace be upon him, and not to ask for diverce and separation, always we should solve problems with wisdom, it is so easy to...
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    Mirajmom is in need of your dua

    Salam Alykum Every days morning and evening we must say this duaa: "Oh Allah, You are my Lord, no Allah but You, you and you trust the Lord of the throne, the great What Allah want s be and what Allah did not want won't be. I know that Allah has power over all things And Allah took note of...
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    Celebrating Muhammad (SAW) Birthday: Bid'ah

    Salam Alykum wa rahmat Allah first of all we should know types of Bida , and why it is different from Orf what people used to. Bida have two types good and bad, the one brother mentioned is bad bida, but good bida like Traweeh prayer during the holy month of Ramadhan. hospitals, schools and...
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    A modern Hijab poem

    WOOOOOOW :D..this poem is AWESOME..keep it up woman:D
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    Unique Baby Boy names???

    I'd* go for azzan or azzam :D
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    Unique Baby Boy names???

    I'de go for azzan or azzam
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    Robert Spenser?

    The prophet peace be upon him guided us whenever we scare or afraid from people should say allahuma ina nagaluk fi nuhurehem wa naoozo bika min shoroorehim. " Oh Allah we keep you in thier slaughter and forbid you from thier evel" recite it when you see him or any one want to say something bad...
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    Robert Spenser?

    The prophet peace be upon him guided us whenever we scare or afraid from people should say allahuma ina nagaluk fi nuhurehem wa naoozo bika min shoroorehim. " Oh Allah we keep you in thier slaughter and forbid you from thier evel" recite it when you see him or any one want to say something bad...
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    My Story

    Thanks to Allah the most merciful who show you the way to Islam, brother, first thing to do search for praying place in your area and inshallah after Allah well you will find one, where you will find other muslim brothers who can share with you the practice of great morals and character of the...
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    I need some help...

    Alsalam Aleykum remember the man that killed 99 people and when went to man reserved his life for praying "Abid" asking for forgivness, the Abid told him no forgivenss for him he killed 99 people, then he killed the Abid. Then he went to schooler and ask him same question, that he killed 100...
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    I need some help...

    Alsalam Aleykum remember the man that killed 99 people and when went to man reserved his life for praying "Abid" asking for forgivness, the Abid told him no forgivenss for him he killed 99 people, then he killed the Abid. Then he went to schooler and ask him same question, that he killed 100...