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    ..and it gets worse!!!

    salam to you all ! as the title says yes it gets worse!!! For the first time in half a century, Mister Sarkozy has decided to create a new french millitary base outside of France! GUESS WHERE ??? In the gulf !!! Yes he dared !!! i can't belive it !! this guy is not just any...
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    bushes new pet

    G WBush and his new fluffy little pet Nicolas Sarkozy , have both been visiting the middle east, Mr new pro-bush french president, after saying such things in Fance as : " I don't want an Isalm in France, but an Islam of France" .....( any lots of other things about islam) has now said in his...
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    promote islam

    assalamu alykum brothers and sisters I've been a part of this site for nearly a year now , it's like my family :hearts: I think the site is great ! the best i've ever been on! I would like to make a suggestion: could we make a new section dedicated to ideas ,and planning ways to promote...
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    salam!! been reading alot of stuff about the exact date of eid! so when do we stop fasting? has it been decided?
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    ou en france?

    salam , je voudrais savoir ou en france vous habitez? je pense que ce serait sympas pour les soeurs converties et musulmanes nées de se rencontrer( et biensure les freres de leur coté!) perso j'habite dans le 29 et vous?
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    A day in the life of a niqabi in France

    assalamu alaykum, hope you are all well! I just wanted to share something i went trough the other day! I was in the south of France for exams and the exams being over it was time to go back up north to my family. I had to take the bus to go to the train station: in the bus there were...
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    assalamu alaykum, I wanted to know is it permissble for a muslim to say cheers when he goes to drink, well not to say cheerhe glasses bit but touching.
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    annother one about pictures !

    Assalamu alaykum, Sorry for this it,s annother thread about pictures. I have read the other threads but still have a couple of questions : - what about pictures on mobile phones ?(is it the same as for the laptop?) -what about the pictures in books? or on the lables of the food wee eat...
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    assalamu alaykum, I feel i must make this post because i made a big mistake in a post (about hijab) and looks like two members disagreed about the write response and i do not want to cause any trouble! i said : "i wear hijab and niqab whenever possible" i meant to say : i wear hijab(all...
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    share if you dare!

    assalamu alykum, :shymuslima1: Lets all share our "revert slip-ups" Come on everybody, we all make mistakes, lets laugh a bit! We all did somthing wrong not knowing that we were mistaken, sharing this might help others to no make the same "slip-ups" I have...
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    assalamu alaykum, At the momment i have a lot of lessons at uinivercity and i can not come home to pray i want to know can i pray in a corner (a clean one !) where their is nobody? My friends say i can not, but i feel i must it`s important. In the vids of new converts(great vids!!) i saw...
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    Assalamu alaykum Does anybody know any kuwaiti recipies? it would be a real help ! thankyou
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    Assalamu Alaykum, I am new to this site and a new muslim( for 5 months now !!!) and so so proud to be a part of it !!!! But the problem is i live in france (at toulon) and i do have muslim friends but they were just born muslim and don`t practice! i would like to know is there is a sister...